

Study on Nature Population, Germplasm and Cultivation Domestication

【作者】 林祥群

【导师】 于磊;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 线叶野豌豆为优质高产豆科牧草,在新疆主要分布于天山及阿尔泰山。对其野生状态种群进行空间分布格局、种间关联、物种多样性和生产力间关系的研究得出:在野生状态下线叶野豌豆种群呈聚集分布,这主要是种子繁殖及克隆繁殖共同作用使其在群落中具有较强的竞争能力。线叶野豌豆群落中20个主要种间呈正关联种106对,占总对数的近57%.,其中显著正关联种77对(p<0.01),占总对数的近47%;极显著正关联种27对(p<0.01),占总对数的近10%。对线叶野豌豆群落产草量与物种多样性间分析呈“单峰”关系。对不同生态区,不同驯化年限的线叶野豌豆种子特性进行实验室分析得出:线叶野豌豆具有较高的硬实率,98%浓硫酸浸种为较理想的处理方法。但不同生态区及不同驯化年限的线叶野豌豆硬实率不同,所对应的浓硫酸浸种时间也不同。塔城野生种硬实率为94.2%,最佳浸种时间为30min,伊犁野生种硬实率为96%,最佳浸种时间为18min,驯化第一年的塔城野生种的硬实率为73%,最佳浸种时间26min,驯化第二年的塔城野生种硬实率为59%,最佳浸种时间22min。即随驯化年限的增加线叶野豌豆种子硬实率下降。对不同生态区及不同驯化年限的线叶野豌豆种子提取醇溶、盐溶、水溶、碱溶型种子蛋白,采用SDS-PAGE电泳进行线叶野豌豆种子蛋白多态性测定。得线叶野豌豆种子不含醇溶蛋白或含量甚微。盐溶、碱溶、水溶蛋白电泳均可得到较清晰的电泳谱带,但带型不同,以碱溶蛋白16条谱带和水溶蛋白14条谱带最清晰,带数最多,盐溶蛋白11条谱带较少。各种子蛋白内不同生态区及不同驯化年限间有多态性存在,但多态性并不丰富,说明他们间差异较小或无。对播种当年线叶野豌豆进行常规田间管理及地上地下观测,同时对驯化第二年、第三年的线叶野豌豆进行物候期、生长速度、再生草产量、营养品质变化、地下水平根发育、克隆植株的无性繁殖和种子产量等的观测。播种当年的线叶野豌豆主要进行主根繁殖,基本无水平根(即侧根)的发育。要保持田间充足水分,及时清除杂草。驯化第二年、第三年的线叶野豌豆水平根延伸较快,水平根上4-6cm间形成新的芽体,向上形成新的地上植株,向下发出新的须根。通过对其水平根进行无性繁殖即移栽克隆植株,观测成活率达60%-70%,因此,可通过移栽克隆植株进行线叶野豌豆的扩繁,不仅袮补了线叶野豌豆种子发芽率不高的缺陷,也起到疏松原种圃田的作用。线叶野豌豆4月上旬返青,5月上旬分枝,中下旬孕蕾,因属无限花序开花期较长,自6月至8月中旬均有花序,结荚持续时间也较长自7月上旬至8月下旬期间都处在结夹成熟阶段,生育期为120-130天。随着生育期的推移线叶野豌豆的营养品质下降,但整个生育期的营养价值相对稳定。对线叶野豌豆各生育期的粗蛋白含量及产草量的变化进行耦合得:以收获饲草为目的线叶野豌豆最佳收获期为开花中期,此时亦可使再生草产量得到保障。线叶野豌豆为无限花序,其开花结荚时期都较长,往往一些早期种子成熟炸裂,而后期种子仍处于开花盛期,给收种带来一定的困难。通过对不同时期的种子采收量分析,确定在7月底8月初为绿洲农区最佳收种时期。提前或延后都会影响种子产量。

【Abstract】 Vicia tenuipolia Roth is a kind of good quality and high yield Legumes, which mainly distributes in Altai and Tianshang Mountain in Xinjiang. The relationships of Spatial distribution pattern ,Interspecific Association, yield of grass and inter-species diversitywere analyzed, results showed that Vicia tenuipolia Roth usually aggregates in the wild because of rather highly competitiveness caused by the seed breeding and reproductive cloning. Vicia tenuipolia Roth showed positive association with 20 Main species of the community, and as many as 106 pairs was Positive significant, accounting for nearly 57% in the total number, 77 paris of which were significant (P<0.05), and about 47% in the total number. 27 paris of which were Extremely significant (p<0.01), and about 10% in the total number.That the relationship between Vicia tenuipolia Roth yield of grass and inter-species diversity is single-peak.The characteristics of seeds of Vicia tenuipolia Roth in different domestication years and ecological regions were studied, results showed that the seeds of Vicia tenuipolia Roth in the wild has higher Hard rate, and the dealt of seed soaking by 98%sulfuric acid is more satisfactory. But Vicia tenuipolia Roth in different ecological zones and domestication years have different Hard rate, the soaking time was different. In Tacheng, the Hard rate in the wild is 94.2%, and the most-processing time is 30 mins, that of Yili is 96% and the most-processing time is 18 mins, the Hard rate comes to 73% with one-year domestication, and the best processing time is 26 mins, and it comes to59%, and the best time is 22 mins with two-year domestication, which suggests that the hard rate declined with the years of domestication rising.The seed protein of Vicia tenuipolia Roth was extracted by Gliadin ,Salt solution, water-soluble and alkali-soluble way and the polymorphism was analysed using SDS-PAGE. Results showed that there is no Gliadin or little protein content. Salt solution, alkali-soluble and water-soluble proteins gain clearer electrophoresis bands, but with different banding patterns, of which alkali-soluble has 16 clear bands, water-soluble has 14 and salt-soluble have 11. Protein Polymorphism were existed, but not rich, which showed that there is no or little difference between them.The regulated field management and above-underground observation of Vicia tenuipolia Roth in the very year were progressed, and phenological Observation, growth rate, regrowth yield, nutritional quality, development of underground level root, asexual propagation of the clone strains and seed yield for the second-year and third-year-domesticaion ones were analyzed.Results showed that domestication of the Vicia tenuipolia Roth in the first year must maintain adequate moisture and eliminate field its weeds, which main-roots propagated and level-roots little. But the level-roots of the second and third-domestication growed fast, and above which that between 4 and 6cm would develop new brood bodies, which would develop new plants on the ground and new roots underground.The Vicia tenuipolia Roth was asexual propagation(planting clone strains) through its level-roots, and their survival rate is 60% to 70%. Results in the above showed that we can expand propagation through planting clone strains, which not only can solve the low germination rate, but also can loose the soil.The Vicia tenuipolia Roth turns green in early April, branches in early May, buds during mid to late of May because of its long flowering period, flowers from June to mid-August all the time, and Pods from early July to late August, and the whole grown time may be 120-130 days.With the growth, the nutrition of Vicia tenuipolia Roth declines but the value in the whole was stable. Coupling the protein contents in different stages with yield of grass, we found that the best time is the mid-flowering stage, which was the best time to harvest,and can make the production of the aftermath stable.The Vicia tenuipolia Roth belongs to indefinite inflorescence, its flowering and podding period is long, which make difficult to harvest to some extent because of the seeds of early-mature Cracking, and in the same time late seeds still flowering. Since studing the seeds production in different stages, it showed that late July and early August is the best time to harvest in the agricultural oasis area, that Advanced or delayed would affect the seed yield.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

