

The Influence of TV Civic News Review to the Social Ethics and Moral

【作者】 孙冬明

【导师】 帕哈尔丁; 何富麟;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 民生新闻的广泛兴起,使民众化的节目制作理念渗透到了几乎各类型的节目制作之中,媒体传播理念也由“传者本位”向“受者本位”过渡。随着越来越多名牌栏目的出现,民生视角下的电视新闻评论即电视民生新闻评论对社会生活和广大受众的影响越来越显著,尤其是在社会伦理道德方面的影响愈加深入、细致。然而在理论上,有关传播效果在伦理道德方面作用的研究还很有限,有关传播和伦理互动的理论探索也很零散,尤其是电视民生新闻评论对社会伦理道德影响的理论研究很不充分,而这方面的传播影响正日益深刻地作用于社会生活的方方面面。电视民生新闻评论正发挥越来越大的舆论监督、社会教化功能,在社会制度建设、个体道德引导方面的影响不容忽视。因此本文从电视传播实践入手,在传播效果研究上,将伦理学与新闻学在一定程度上相结合,力求将电视民生新闻评论的道德影响理论化。其目的在于明晰电视舆论对社会伦理道德作用的同时,进一步深化电视民生新闻评论制作的伦理道德理念。

【Abstract】 With the wide rising of civic journalism, the change from media-centered perspective to audience-centered one infiltrates into almost all types of programs. As more and more brand programs produced, news review’s impact on civic livelihood is growing more and more meticulous ,especially in social ethics. However, the study of the communication effect to ethics is still very limited, and research of the interaction between the ethics and the communication is also fragmented. The study of how news review influences the social ethics is not adequate, yet. The impact is increasingly profoundly on all aspects of social life. News review is playing its role in the public opinion, social function of education, social systems building, and individual ethics guidance and the impact can not be ignored. Base on the TV news review programs practice and communication effect research ,this paper combines ethics with and focuses on theoretical results. The aim of the essay is to clarify in what degrade TV civic news review is standardizing social morals and ethics and to educate TV civic news review programs’understanding of media ethic conception.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G222;B82-05
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】783
  • 攻读期成果

