

Research of Xiguo Zhang’s Fiction

【作者】 沈晓燕

【导师】 朱立立;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以张系国小说作品为研究对象,用新历史主义的方法和美学的观点为指导,运用文学的相关理论为经纬,分析张系国小说精神世界以及作家对于小说功用的理解与运用。试图在一个宏观的角度把握张系国小说的总体特征,提炼出作家科幻小说与非科幻小说共同的质素,分析这种共同的质素在其作品中的隐现以及背后精神话语。通过对张系国小说世界的研读与把握,探讨一个旅美作家对于国家、民族、地域独特的理解方式,以及由此而产生的独特的感情机制。笔者发现在张系国小说世界中的四个核心问题:一、对于族群认同的看法以及不同时期的转换变化:二、对于台湾社会以及台湾人特殊历史处境的思辨;三、对于小说“文以载道”功用的理解与运用;四、对于台湾经济社会的审视与批判。以及三个张系国小说精神世界总摄:对于人的存在方式与生存欲念行而上的哲学思考(尽管有些篇目没有达到这样的层次,但足见作家的努力痕迹);对于文学社会功用的坚定信念——“文以载道”;对于家国天下普罗米修斯式的救世精神。

【Abstract】 This article attempts to analyze the ideology of Xiguo Zhang’s novel and author’s towards the understanding and practices of novels functions, through Xiguo Zhang’s works , by using the methods of historical, as well as views of aesthetics as instruction, and by using the relative theories of literary as longitude and latitude.In a macro-level, it is try to grasp the whole characteristics of Xiguo Zhang’s novels, to abstract the common nature between science fictions and realistic novel, and to analyze this common nature that is in his works and the spiritual lingo behind this fiction.The writer also try through Xiguo Zhang’s subjective horizons to discover the world of his fiction.Inquirying a writer of Amerian Chinese special comprehension of state, race, geography, as well as the unique emotional mechanism which creates by it.So the writer find out four essentials in the world of Xiguo Zhang’s novel: viewpoints on the nation of different view in different time; Deeply think about Taiwan and the people in special times; towards the understanding and practices of novels functions;Criticize and scan economy society of Taiwan. And three of Xiguo Zhang’s spiritual world of novel: For the existence and survival thought and the desire to philosophical reflection the world (although some chapters designated not reached such a level, but reflected the author’s efforts to trace); social function of literature for the firm faith------" The text contains Road" ;the home of the saviors of the world of the spirit of Prometheus.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】129

