

Studies on Ryukyu’s Folk Culture

【作者】 吴永宁

【导师】 谢必震;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 琉球王国(今日本冲绳县),位于中国东南太平洋上的岛国,是明清五百年间与中国往来最为频繁的藩属国之一。明洪武五年(1372年),明太祖遣使诏谕琉球,自此,中琉册封、朝贡贸易拉开序幕,而琉球亦进入文明开化时期。琉球民间习俗的形成,无论物质民俗,抑或精神民俗,都遵循着由粗朴到文雅,由简单到繁琐的发展规律,并且在这个发展过程中,不断受到外来习俗文化的影响和冲击。琉球民间习俗,从饮食、服饰、建筑,到岁时节庆,婚丧,民间信仰,与中国民俗,尤其是福建民间习俗有着极大的相似性。在中琉两国官方往来频繁的历史条件下,福建与琉球两地的民间往来亦颇为活跃,福建民俗文化也通过多种途径对琉球民俗之形成及发展产生极大的影响。

【Abstract】 As an island country in the Southeastern Pacific Sea in history, the Kingdom of Ryukyus (nowaday’ s Okinawa, Japan) was one of the vassal countries of China for about 500 years during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. At the Fifth Year of Hung-wu of Ming Dynasty (1372), the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty sent missioners to conduct Coronation Ceremony. Since then, the Coronation Ceremony and tributary trade was initiated and the Kingdom of Ryukyus started the periods of civilization. The development of folk customs in Ryukyu, as far as material and spiritual customs are concerned, were manifested the evolved route of from rough to gentility as well as from simple to complicated. In addition, it was embraced of the impact of foreign customs. Various aspects of the folk customs in Ryukyu, such as diet, dress, architecture, fasti festivals, wedding and funeral and folk beliefs, etc., are all shared great similarity of the folk customs in China, especially the ones in Fujian. Granted to the abundant official communications between China and Ryukyu, the nongovernmental communications was also active and which helped the folk customs in Fujian turned high-profile influence varied multiple ways on the forming and developing of the folk customs in Ryukyu.

【关键词】 琉球民俗明清时期福建
【Key words】 Ryukyufolk customsMing and Qing DynastiesFujian
  • 【分类号】K892
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】545

