

Studies on Biological Comparisons and Hybridization of Two Geographic Populations of Coelomactra Antiquata

【作者】 林志钦

【导师】 高如承;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 西施舌是一种经济价值很高的海洋贝类。近二十年来,由于过度捕捞和生态环境的破坏造成西施舌资源急剧下降。为了保护西施舌种质资源,探讨种群杂交育种的可行性,本实验以福建漳港和江苏启东两地的西施舌种群为研究对象,分析比较两个种群在形态特征、游离氨基酸含量等方面的群体差异,并进行种群间杂交实验。实验结果如下:1.分析两个种群壳色、壳容积、壳密度、形态特征等指标,结果表明两个种群的形态存在显著差异。通过形态特征数据进行判别分析,得出两个种群的判别函数:Y福建=35.950×壳长+38.847×壳宽-262.449Y江苏=19.457×壳长+61.992×壳宽-205.947判别准确率达到91.76%。2.对两个种群主要的营养成分和游离氨基酸进行分析,发现其营养成分有所区别,但差异不显著,结果显示西施舌是高蛋白低脂肪的海产品。西施舌体液中决定口感风味的游离氨基酸具有种群差异,福建漳港群体呈味氨基酸(天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸)占总氨基酸的56.88%(江苏群体为49.07%),这使得漳港西施舌口味更加鲜美。3.通过设置10个盐度梯度,研究盐度对西施舌受精孵化影响,探讨人工授精的最佳盐度。结果显示盐度25~30为西施舌最佳人工授精盐度范围。实验中盐度28为西施舌受精最佳盐度。4.通过福建种群和江苏种群杂交实验,对两个种群自繁与杂交的子代的生物学特性和生长发育分析比较,并进行杂交幼虫抗逆性实验,以检测杂交效果即杂种优势的大小。数据分析表明杂交组合后代在生长存活、附着变态等方面都有显著优势,其中福建♀×江苏♂的组合表现出明显的生长优势,生长杂种优势达20.14%,在高盐度、低盐度、高温、低温等条件下体现出优于两自繁组合的耐受性,杂种优势分别高达73.26%、77.61%、447.8%、280.24%。

【Abstract】 Coelomactra antiquata is one of the valuable and important commercially exploited bivalve in China.Due to overfishing and habitat destruction,its populations have been severely declining in the coast of China during the last two decades.In order to make corresponding measures for resource conservation and feasibility of hybridization,two populations of C.antiquata from Fujian Zhanggang and Jiangsu Qidong,were analysed morphologically and free amino acids.Then,crossbreeding was performed using the two populations.The results suggest that:1.Based on shell colour,shell cubage,shell density and morphological characters of populations of C.antiquata from Fujian and Jiangsu,the result of discriminant analysis revealed that there were significant differences among the two population.The discriminant functions of two population were established,and the total discriminant accuracy was 91.76%.The functions were:YFJ=35.950×shell length+38.847×shell width—262.449 YJS=19.457×shell length+61.992×shell width—205.9472.This contribution of nutritive composition is similar with Fujian and Jiangsu populations. Nutritive composition revealed that C.antiquata was a good seafood with high protein and low fat.The contents of Glu,Asp,Gly and Ala in Fuzhou population(56.88%)were higher than Jiangsu(49.07%),which has a unique delicate meat texture and sweet taste.3.The effects of salinity on sperm motility,fertilization and hatching-rate of C antiquata were observed on the condition for different experimental salinity.The results suggest that the optimum salinity range for fertilization of C.antiquata is from 25ppt to 30ppt,and 28ppt is the best optimum salinity.4.Larval of four groups were obtained from mating and crossing within and between Fujian population and Jiangsu population of C.antiquata.Comparisons of egg size,embroyonic development rate,larval settlement rate,larval metamorphosis rate,larval survival rate and growth among four groups were made.The results revealed that the hybridization groups showed heterosis of various degrees on them.Especially,Fujian♀×Jiangsu♂group was significant differences on growth(20.14%)and capability of resist to extreme conditions compared to self-fertilized groups(73.26%、77.61%、447.8%、280.24%).

  • 【分类号】S917.4
  • 【下载频次】80

