

On Conflicts Management of Class-advisor in the Primary and Middle Schools

【作者】 庄玲玲

【导师】 黄爱玲;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会生活中冲突现象的日益凸显,冲突理论的研究和实践探索也在不断深入。冲突理论使人们对冲突有了全面崭新的认识,开始辨证地看待冲突,科学处理冲突,并积极利用其正面功能,永葆组织活力,提高组织绩效。而在教育领域,伴着新课改的推行,存在于班级中的冲突不期而至,愈演愈烈。因此,班主任作为班级的管理者,学习冲突理论,掌握冲突处理艺术,促进班级健康有序发展成为时代要求。本文以中小学班级为研究对象,采用了文献法、观察法和调查法,立足于班主任这一管理视角,通过借鉴冲突理论,首先分析了中小学班级冲突的内涵;其次揭示了存在于中小学班级中的普遍冲突问题及其对班级产生的影响;然后阐述了冲突的形成过程并透析了冲突产生的深刻原因;接着论证了冲突对中小学班级的影响;最后探讨了中小学班主任在处理班级冲突时应具备的管理思维,应遵循的基本原则,采取的冲突管理策略、步骤;冲突管理的评估等问题。本文的研究目的在于帮助中小学班主任形成系统科学的冲突管理思维及冲突处理策略,掌握冲突处理艺术,为更好地维护学校稳定,更有效地管理班级,更有序的促进学生健康发展提供比较清晰的参考蓝图。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly appearance of conflicts in social life, the research on conflict theory and practice are deeply studied. The theory brings us a new recognition of conflicts that can be treated dialectically and scientifically. Furthermore, by making use of the positive effect of conflicts, the organization’s vigor can be kept and the achievement can be improved. In the field of education, accompanied by the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the conflicts in class is met by chance and become intensified. Therefore, it is a requirement that the class-advisor, as a class manager should learn the conflict theories and master the arts of conflicts management, so as to promote the healthy and orderly development of a class. By using the conflict theory for reference, this article takes the primary and middle schools as objects and bases on the management perspective of the class-advisor. Firstly, it analyses the connotation of conflicts in schools. Then, it reveals the common conflicts problem that exists in the class and its effect, following by the double-functions caused by conflicts. At last, it discusses the management thinking, the basic principle, the strategies and assessment of conflicts management for the class-advisors to deal with the class conflicts. This paper is designed to help the class-advisors form a scientific system of conflict management thinking and conflicts management strategies, master the arts of conflicts management, and to provide a clearer blueprint of the stability of the school, more effective management classes and orderly promotion of students.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1015

