

"Enduring Humiliation to Carry out an Important Task"-A Study on the YE Xianggao’s Ways of Being a Government Offical

【作者】 尹峻

【导师】 陈永正;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以叶向高的为官之道为研究对象,在总结分析前人研究的基础上对叶向高的为官之道进行较为系统的整理和研究。本文从分析叶向高的研究现状入手,进而在民本、王道、人才、士大夫、臣子五个方面对叶向高的为官思想进行较为详细的阐述,并着重通过与张居正为官之道的比较研究分析叶向高为官之道思想的渊源和社会背景。本文试图以“忍辱负重”来概括说明叶向高在当时封建专制高峰的社会大变化的背景和官场黑暗、派系倾轧的历史条件下的矛盾心理及这个传统的封建儒生被封建专制扭曲的心路过程,进而揭露叶向高所处明末时期封建专制的残暴,使我们对封建专制有更进一步的了解。

【Abstract】 Taking YE Xianggao’s ways of being a government offical as the research object, the essay combs and dissertates his bureaucratic thoughts on the basis of the previously relevant discourses. After a review of previous researches, the author explains YE’s bureaucratic ideas in the following five aspects: human-based, kingcraft, talent, scholar-bureaucrat and liegeman, and then gives an introduction about its social background and origin in comparison with the bureaucratic style of Zhang Zhenju as well. With the dramatic reform of the feudal society and the historic background of tenebrous officialdom and cliquish conflictions, YE’s bureaucratic ideas and his psychological experiences of being distorted by Feudality, can be described as a phrase "enduring humiliation to carry out an important task". Meanwhile, to get a better and further understanding of the feudal despotism on man’s ideology, the paper also analyzes the gloom of the officialdom and the cruelty of feudal system in late Ming Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】239

