

A Study of the Relationship among College Student’s Perfectionism, Parenting Style and Their Coping Style

【作者】 王雅丽

【导师】 严由伟;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了进一步了解大学生完美主义心理,考察完美主义与父母教养方式、应对方式之间的关系,采用《大学生完美主义问卷》,《应对方式问卷》和《父母养育方式评价量表》(EMBU)对450名大学生进行调查分析。结果表明:(1)大学生完美主义处于中等偏上水平,总体上是适应性的。(2)大学生完美主义存在性别、专业、年级的显著差异。在父母要求维度,男生显著高于女生;在个人标准维度,理科生显著高于文科生,大一学生显著高于大二、大三学生;在条理性维度,大一、大三学生条理性显著高于大二学生。(3)父母对大学生的教养方式更多表现为情感温暖、理解,偏爱,过分干涉过度保护,较少采用拒绝否认、惩罚严厉的教养方式。(4)大学生倾向于采取较为成熟的应对方式,包括解决问题、求助,较少使用幻想、退避、自责等不成熟的应对方式。(5)父母教养方式与完美主义的父母要求、担心出错因子关系最为密切,并能够有效地预测这两个因子。(6)完美主义中的担心出错、父母要求因子与不成熟的应对方式显著正相关,个人标准、条理性因子和解决问题因子显著正相关;担心出错、个人标准和条理性能有效预测应对方式。(7)父母不良的教养方式与不成熟的应对方式显著正相关,但总体上,父母教养对应对方式的预测作用有限。(8)父母教养方式可以通过影响大学生完美主义间接影响其应对方式。

【Abstract】 In order to make further understanding of college students’ perfectionism psychology and explore the relationship among perfectionism, parental rearing and coping styles, Perfectionism Scale for Chinese College Student, Coping Styles Scale and EMBU were conducted to survey 450 college students. The result shows:(1) It is general adaptability that the total level of college students’ perfectionism psychology is higher than average level.(2) The college student’s perfectionism shows significant difference in gender, professional, grade. The level of male students’ perfectionism is higher than that of female students at the dimension of parental demanding; The students who study science is notably higher than the student who study literal arts at the dimension of personal standard; The freshman is higher than the students in Grade Two and Grade Three at the dimension of personal standard; The students in Grade One and Grade Three are higher than the students in Grade Two at the dimension of logic.(3) Parental rearing styles of college students shown more warmth, understanding, Preference, excessive interference, over-protection, and less severe rearing styles, such as refusal, punishment.(4) College students incline to take mature coping styles, including solving problem, seeking help. And it is less likely to take immature coping styles, such as fantasy, withdrawal and feeling guilty, etc..(5) Parental rearing patterns relate mostly to perfectionism at the dimension of parental demanding and worrying about making mistake and they play an important role in predicting these two factors.(6) Parental demanding and worrying about making mistake relate positively to immature coping styles, personal standard and logic relate positively to solving problem; worrying about making mistakes, personal standard and logic can predict coping styles effectively.(7) Bad parental rearing patterns relate positively to immature coping styles, but totally, the predicting function of parenting style to coping style is limited.(8) Parental rearing patterns can influence coping styles indirectly by influencing college students’ perfectionism.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1253

