

Research on the Relations among Achievements Goals、Time Management and Learning Stress of Middle School Students

【作者】 王勍

【导师】 程利国;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学业压力是中学生压力的重要部分,本研究在总结他人的基础上,自编中学生学业压力问卷,并有较好的信度和效度。随后运用问卷法对中学生的成就目标定向、时间管理倾向和学业压力的情况进行量表施测,调查结果分析表明:本问卷具有较好的信度和效度,能作为测量中学生学业压力的有效测量工具。中学生学业压力包括学习成绩压力、挫折压力、外在环境压力和竞争压力四个维度。对样本的社会人口统计资料分析发现:学习成绩压力是中学生最大的压力来源。城镇的中学生压力感受高于农村的中学生,中学生学业压力感受存在着极其显著的年级差异,无担任班干部的学生压力总体感受高于有担任班干部的学生。成绩趋近目标、成绩回避目标和掌握回避目标都与中学生的学业压力总分相关非常显著,而且均成正相关。时间监控观、时间效能感与学业总压力有着显著的负相关。通过回归分析发现,年级、学校类型和成就目标定向对中学生学业压力的四个维度均有显著的预测作用,时间管理倾向对成绩目标压力和挫折压力有预测作用。最后,论文中还从学校和家庭的角度提出了缓解中学生学业压力;加强大学生时间管理倾向的培养;培养正确的成就目标定向等建议。

【Abstract】 Learning stress is a major part of stress for middle school students. In the first part, the study developed a measurement about middle school students’ learning stress, which is supposed to have good reliability and validity. In the second part, based on investigating middle school students’ learning stress by questionnaire, together with investigating about achievements goals, time management and learning stress. The results as follows: The middle school students’ learning stress were composed of four factors, the study performance stress、the study frustration stress、study competition stress、environment stress. The study performance stress is the most important stressor for middle school students; the learning stress has many differences in different grades students in each type of middle school. The learning stress of city students is higher than country students. The middle School students’ leaders are feeling remarkably lower than others. In general, master-approach, master-avoidance and performance-avoidance were positively related to the learning stress. Time management was negative related to the learning stress. Through regression analysis, the conclusion showed that time management was predictors of the study performance stress, the study frustration stress. The four components of achievements goals disposition and grade school were predictors of the learning stress.According to the conclusion, the author gave some advices that school and parents should relieve high school students’ learning stress, cultivate time management disposition of high school students, and cultivate the right achievement goal for them.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】885

