

A Study on the Relationship among Chinese Overseas Students’ Acculturation, Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Britain

【作者】 刘炜

【导师】 程利国;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以在英高校的中国留学生为研究对象,采用自编的《中国留英高校生跨文化适应》问卷、肖水源设计的社会支持量表和增改后迪纳的生活满意度量表对被试的跨文化适应状况、社会支持状况和生活满意度进行研究。研究目的旨在了解中国留英高校生跨文化适应和生活满意度状况,探讨影响留学生跨文化适应的因素及相互关系,初步分析生活满意度的预测因素。《中国留英高校生跨文化适应》问卷参考了北京师范大学陈慧的博士论文《在京留学生适应及其影响因素研究》、华东师范大学杨军红的博士论文《来华留学生跨文化适应问题研究》中的问卷,包括了四个纬度:学术适应、社会交往、对英国人的态度、心理状况(思乡、孤独、抑郁)。研究结果表明:1、从整体分布情况看,跨文化适应状况的分布呈“M”型分布,即极端不适应和非常适应的人数少,比较不适应和比较适应的比例又高于适应性一般的比例。2、从整体分布情况看,生活满意度分布情况和跨文化适应分布状况极其一致,也呈“M”型分布。3、性别、留英时间、学历和留学经历在跨文化适应上有显著差异。总的来说,女生在总体适应性上好于男生;留英时间对跨文化适应的影响是非线性的,趋势是上升—下降—上升;学历越高,适应性相对越好;有留学经历的更容易适应文化差异。是否有工作经验在学术适应和对英国人的态度上存在显著差异。有过工作经验的适应性相对强些。4、社会支持力度在跨文化适应和生活满意度上都存在显著差异。社会支持不足与社会支持充分之间、社会支持一般与社会支持充分之间在跨文化适应上差异显著。三种社会支持状况在生活满意度上两两间差异都很显著。5、社会支持和跨文化适应对生活满意度有一定的预测作用;跨文化适应对生活满意度的贡献最大。6、社会支持和跨文化适应对生活满意度有直接、显著的影响;社会支持除了直接影响生活满意度,还通过跨文化适应间接影响生活满意度。

【Abstract】 The study measured Chinese overseas students in Britain, using Social Support Scale designed by Shuiyuan Xiao and Chinese Overseas Students’ Acculturation and Life Satisfaction Scale developed by the author. The study aims to find out the state of Chinese overseas students’ acculturation and life satisfaction, to probe into their influencing factor and their relationship, and to analyze predictable factor of life satisfaction.Chinese Overseas Students’ Acculturation and Life Satisfaction Scale refers to Life Satisfaction Scale designed by Edward, a psychologist in University of Illinois in 1980, the questionnaire in Hui Chen’s Ph.D. thesis Study on Foreign Students’ Adaptation and Influencing Factor in Beijing and Junhong Yang’s Ph.D. thesis Study on International Students’ Cross-cultural Adaptation in China. It includes five dimensions: attitude to English people, academic adaptation, social communication, psychological statement and life satisfaction.The result shows that:1. In the general distribution, the percent of extremely unadaptable and extremely adaptable is few, while the percent of the unadaptable and the adaptable is higher than the medium.2. In the general distribution, the distribution of life satisfaction is in accord with that of acculturation.3. Sex, time, degree and international background impact the acculturation. Generally, girls’ acculturation is better than boys’; the trend of acculturation is upward-downward-upward; with the rising degree, the acculturation is better; the students with international experience can adapt the difference between two cultures easily; working experience affects academic and the attitude to English people; the students with working experience have stronger adaptable ability.4. Social support is the influencing factor of acculturation and life satisfaction. There is remarkable difference between the students with few social support and sufficient social support and between the ones with medium and sufficient social support. There is also notable difference contrast among the three types of social support.5. Social support and acculturation can partly forecast life satisfaction; acculturation has the greatest contribution to life satisfaction.6. Social support and acculturation are the direct influencing factor of life satisfaction; social support affects life satisfaction indirectly,too.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1985

