

Research on Zhuxi and Academies in Northern Parts of Fujian Province in South-Song Dynasty

【作者】 徐伟

【导师】 涂怀京;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 闽北书院从唐末五代开始,到了南宋时期发展进入一个繁荣时期。在书院的发展过程中,理学对书院的发展影响甚大,和书院彼此依赖、互相渗透、水乳交融。朱熹作为书院大师,他的成长过程与书院是密不可分的,他的启蒙阶段、求学阶段都是与书院息息相关的。朱熹的一生大部分时间都是在闽北度过的,在闽北,他亲自创设、修复了三所很有代表性的精舍(书院),即寒泉精舍、武夷精舍与考亭书院。朱熹在闽北创办或讲学的书院中,在教学对象上实行“门户开放”、教学方法上采用“问难论辩”、师生关系上推崇“尊师爱生”。秉持着这种公开开放的原则,朱熹在闽北书院的教书育人上都取得了很好的效果。考亭学派就是教学育才上的一个很好的成果,师生共同探索理论、研究问题,开展学术活动,学人和书院做到了很好的结合。朱熹在闽北书院富有特色的“联友带徒”的理学研究以及“百家争鸣”的讲会制度更是充分展现了书院的特点,既是教育教学组织,又是学术研究机构,将闽北书院这一群体推向了空前的发展与繁荣。朱熹在闽北书院史上有着不可磨灭的贡献,而南宋闽北书院又成为了中国书院史上有着重要意义的一个组成部分,它的一系列独特的管理模式、教学体制和教学方法等还昭示着现在的教育教学,尤其是对高等教育的发展产生了积极的影响。

【Abstract】 Founded in the Five-Dynasty in Tang dynasty, Minbei College arose to its prosperity in South-Song dynasty. Throughout its development, Neo-Confucianism was exerting great influence, coexisting with the college together in a harmonious way. As a scholar there, Zhuxi’s growth was closely related to the college, including his kindergartening and schooling. And he lived most of his life in that part of the province, where he himself established and repaired three representative colleges: Hanquan College, Wuyi College, and Kaoting College. In those colleges and those where he delivered lectures, he kept the door open to students and employed a "questioning and debating" teaching method. And furthermore, he advocated a policy where teachers were respected while students loved. Upholding this principle, he succeeded in teaching and educating in Minbei College, the school of Kaoting serving as a good example. There both teachers and students were exploring, researching and scholaring, a perfect integration of men and the college. The great virtue of the College finds a better expression in its characteristic study of Neo-Confucianism, where students were tutored by teacher’s friends and in its lecture regulation where freedom of expressing different opinions spoke first. Therefore, it is an institute of both educating, teaching and academy, thus pushing the colleges there to their unprecedented development and prosperity, which would have been impossible without Zhuxi’s indelible contribution. In South-Song dynasty, the college played a part of significance, even in the history of college in China. And its unique managing, teaching mechanisms and methods have forseen the modern education, especially giving some inspirations for current high education.

【关键词】 朱熹南宋闽北书院理学创设研究教学
【Key words】 ZhuxiMinbei Collegeneo-Confucianismestablishstudyteaching
  • 【分类号】G649.299
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】385

