

The Research of Taiwan Confucianism Establishment and Its Connotation during the Ming Zheng Time

【作者】 秦四霞

【导师】 黄仁贤; 陈名实;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 福建与台湾关系之密切,超过了祖国大陆其他任何一个省份与台湾的关系,这是一个客观存在的事实。在漫长的历史岁月中,福建与台湾除在政治、经济文化方面存在密切的联系与交融之外,在教育方面也存在着密切的联系与交融。郑成功复台后就定下了“开国立家”、“立万世之基业”的宏伟目标。在郑氏三代经营二十三年期间,不仅大规模地组织移民台湾,延续明朝的正朔,并积极采取一系列开发台湾、发展台湾经济的政策措施,使台湾社会面貌发生很大的变化;而且尤其重要的是移植了明朝的政治体制和文教制度,确立了儒学教育,引进大陆先进的科技文化技术,把中华优秀的传统文化传播到台湾,使之在台湾生根发芽,成为台湾文化的核心,以及引导台湾社会发展重要的精神力量,由此也奠定了台湾文化教育事业发展的基础。陈永华建孔庙,兴教化,促成了以理学为核心的儒家思想在台湾的传播。郑成功、陈永华对台湾儒学教育的创建与影响,体现了闽台文化之间的传承关系。在他们的努力下,台湾教育逐步发展,受教育面扩大,儒家思想文化在短时期内确立了自身的主导地位。

【Abstract】 Fujian and Taiwan relate closely, has surpassed motherland mainland other any province and Taiwan’s relations, this is an objective existence fact. Beside the long historical year, Fujian and Taiwan except in politics, the economical cultural aspect have the close relation with to blend, also has the close relation in the education aspect with to blend.After Zheng Chenggong duplicate has settled the grand goal of "founds a country establishes a family", "sets up bases of industry the ten thousand". Manages 23 years period in the Zheng three generations, not only large-scale organizes immigrant Taiwan, continues the Ming Dynasty, and positively adopts a series of policy measure to develop Taiwan, and develop the Taiwan economy, That causes the Taiwan society appearance to have the very big change; Moreover especially more importantly transplanted the Ming Dynasty political system and the culture and education system, has established the Confucianism education, introduces the mainland scientific cultural technology, disseminates the China outstanding traditional culture to Taiwan, causes it to take root in Taiwan and germinate, becomes the core of the Taiwan culture, as well as guides the Taiwan society to develop the important spiritual strength, from this has also laid the foundation which the Taiwan culture and education enterprise develops. Chen Yonghua established the Confucian temple and popular the enlightenment, has facilitated the dissemination of the Neo-Confucianism as the core Confucianism thought in Taiwan. The foundation and the influence of the Taiwan Confucianism education by Zheng Chenggong and Chen Yonghua, has manifested the cultures inheritance relations between Fujian and Taiwan. Under their efforts, Taiwan education gradually develops, the surface educated expansion, the Confucianism thought culture has established it’ s own dominant position in the short period.

【关键词】 明郑时期台湾儒学创立内涵
【Key words】 Ming Zheng TimeTaiwan ConfucianismEstablishmentConnotation
  • 【分类号】B248
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】154

