

Production of the Optical Fiber NanoSensing System and Its Application for Single Cell Detection

【作者】 陈勤妙

【导师】 陈智浩; 邱怡申;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 光学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 常规的细胞生物化学分析方法一般以大量细胞为研究对象,只能用平均结果反映单个细胞的化学信息。利用纳米光纤传感技术可以实现单个细胞水平的研究,可以获得反映细胞生理状态和过程的更准确、更全面的信息。集倒置荧光显微镜、单光子计数器和100 ps的数据采集卡等,我们搭建了适合单细胞分析的纳米光纤传感平台,并使用labview编写了采集、处理程序。整机调试表明:系统稳定可靠,时间累加后可以探测到单个细胞(导入荧光素)的荧光强度。基于纳米光纤探针和荧光探针CFDA,使用荧光强度比值法研究了单个酵母细胞内pH值的测量。对比使用FLS920全功能稳态/瞬态荧光光谱仪测得的群体细胞的pH标准曲线,极大地提高了探测的灵敏度(约3.8倍)。我们测量了在相同的环境条件下的单个细胞之间的pH值。结果表明个体细胞pH是存在差别的,这种差别最大可以达到0.2/pH。因此传统的用平均的结果并不能反映单细胞之间化学信息的差异。我们研究了细胞外pH值对单个细胞内pH值影响,发现没有基因敲除的酵母细胞比基因敲除的细胞(醇脱氢酶基因ADH2和ADH2等位基因同时敲除,或只敲除醇脱氢酶基因ADH2)具有更强的维持细胞内pH值的能力。特别是外部pH大于9.5的时候,这种差别更加突出。

【Abstract】 The conventional analytical methods which generally choose a mass of cells as the research object could only get an average results of the chosen cells.So,it is often inaccurate or even wrong.But the research based on the nano-fiber optical sensing technology could give the information of a single cell.With the research at a single cell level,more accurate and comprehensive information which indicates the physiological state and the process of the cell could also be obtained.We have built a system which suits single cell analysis.The system mainly involves an inverted fluorescence microscope,a single photon counter and a 100 ps data acquisition card.And we also have written a labview based acquisition procedure for the data acquisition card.Overall debugging indicates that our system is very stable and it can distinguish the fluorescence intensity of a single cell(cell was injected fluorescein).With nano-fiber probes and fluorescence probes,we have measured intracellular pH value of a single yeast cell using the ratio method of the fluorescence intensity.Contrast with the result obtained from multitudinous cells by using the FLS920 combined fluorescence lifetime & steady state spectrometer,we have greatly improved the detection sensitivity(approximately 3.8 times).We have measured the pH values of different single cells under the same environment.The results showed that different single cells have different pH values,even though they are under the same condition.The maximal divergence between them could reach 0.2/pH.So,the average results obtained by the conventional analytical method can’t indicate the chemical information differences between the cells.We have studied the effect of the extracellular pH on the intracellular pH value of a single cell.By comparing the effects of external pH_o on pH_i of both natural yeast cell and its heterozygote strains(one with ADH2 gene removed,the other with both ADH2 and its allele removed),a different behavior was observed between these strains,and the natural yeast cells have stronger power to regulate and maintain pH_i as a response to the pH_o changing.This difference will be more outstanding especially when the pH_o is above 9.5.

  • 【分类号】R318.0
  • 【下载频次】259

