

Regulation Analysis and Civil Law Protection of Genetic Privacy

【作者】 李佳

【导师】 关今华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 基因隐私问题,是随着近十年来人类基因组研究的飞速发展而产生的新的法律问题。基因隐私与不歧视问题在国际社会备受瞩目,越来越多的国家加强了对基因隐私权问题的重视,并纷纷立法加以保护。我国是基因技术发展较快的国家,虽然现阶段还显有基因隐私方面的案例发生,但基因科技对人们基因隐私的威胁却以越来越快的速度逼近,我们应该加快基因隐私权研究的步伐,以跟上基因科技发展的脚步。本文通过对基因隐私权的规范分析和不同领域中基因隐私权冲突的实证分析,论证了基因隐私权应当被确立为一项独立的人格权加以保护。笔者认为《民法典》的起草为基因隐私权的确立提供了契机,现阶段我们应当在《民法典》人格权法一编中明确基因隐私权,而后在侵权责任法一编中规定侵犯基因隐私权的构成要件及应承担的侵权责任。然而,随着基因科技的飞速发展,这样的保护方式不足以满足多领域、不同行业中基因隐私权保护的需要,因此需要待时机成熟之时设立一部专门的基因隐私权法。

【Abstract】 Since the rapid developments of worldwide human genome research during recent decades, genetic privacy has being a new law issue. At the moment, genetic privacy and non-discrimination problem is getting a popular attention focused by several countries, in order to put emphasis on such hot issue, many countries now take measures to make legislation. Now, China’s gene technique is developing much fast. Although there is rare genetic privacy crimes to be committed, because of advanced gene technique, people are more and more threatened by genetic privacy. For that sense, investigators should speed up gene law research so as to keep pace with the gene technology development.This paper will try to use standards analysis and present true cases of conflicts in various social fields to arrive at a viewpoint that genetic privacy should be established as an independent human right.Personally speaking, Civil Law has provided a chance with gene privacy’s development, we should give birth to genetic privacy’s definition into Charpter: personality right in Civil Law; and to set up an explicit series of genetic privacy protections, including common requisites in constitution of crime and responsibilities to be bore. However, with the fast development of gene technology, only a sole protection cannot meet different satisfactions in such a complex society and business. Consequently, a conclusion is that an exclusive genetic privacy law seems to be necessary outcome of gene technique development.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】182

