

On Judicial Relief Pattern for the Right of Economic Law

【作者】 王道旭

【导师】 黄晓辉;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经济法权利的司法救济模式是经济法可诉性实现的基础和关键,为了构造一个合乎客观要求的模式,本文从现实的利益现象中抽象出“元利益关系模型”作为理论基础,结合诉讼程序法的发展历史,揭示了诉讼程序发展的三条规律;并进而以这三条规律作为理论基础论证并构造了当前我国经济法权利的司法救济模式:三家分晋式的经济法权利之司法救济模式。其要点为:当经济法调整的利益关系发生利益冲突时,其受到损害的利益可能有两种,即个体利益和社会利益,而对其的司法救济程序则存在民事诉讼、行政诉讼、民事公益诉讼、行政公益诉讼和刑事诉讼五种程序,由于民事公益诉讼、行政公益诉讼是由应该独立存在的“横向公益诉讼”和“纵向公益诉讼”屈尊现实后依附于民事诉讼和行政诉讼的表现,所以民事公益诉讼和行政公益诉讼不具备独立性,仅仅是作为民事诉讼和行政诉讼程序的特别程序而存在的。因此,经济法权利的司法救济模式是由民事诉讼、行政诉讼和刑事诉讼三种诉讼程序综合调整的(当然这里的民事诉讼和行政诉讼是包含民事公益诉讼和行政公益诉讼程序的)。

【Abstract】 Judicial relief pattern for the right of economic law is the basis as well as the key to the realization of litigatibilty of economic law. In order to establish a pattern catering to objective requirement, this article, based on the theory of primary legal relation abstracted from real interest’s phenomenon and integrated with the history of procedural law, reveals three rules of proceedings development. On the basis of the theory of three rules, the author reasons and constructs judicial relief pattern for current economic rights ,namely, separation of the three families. Its main points are: two possible injures may happen when interests regulated by economic law conflicts with each other, that is, individual interests and social interests. Regarding to this, five judicial remedies may be used, civil litigation、administrative litigation、civil litigation for commonweal、administrative litigation for commonweal and criminal proceedings. For the reason of reality, civil litigation for commonweal、administrative litigation for commonweal, which should exist as independent horizontal litigation for commonweal and "longitudinal litigation for commonweal, now are only affiliating display of civil litigation and administrative litigation. So they are only special procedures of civil litigation and administrative litigation. Therefore, judicial relief procedures for economic rights are comprehensively regulated by civil litigation, administrative litigation and criminal proceedings.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【下载频次】203

