Service-oriented Workflow Optimizing Based on Relation of Client Interaction Management
【作者】 王世锋;
【导师】 曾志文;
【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士
【摘要】 面向服务的计算架构正成为目前的主流技术,工作流技术的发展与面向服务计算的技术相结合,促成了服务工作流的快速发展,代表了当前工作流的研究与发展方向。本文在分析国内外服务工作流发展方向及应用状况的基础上,重点研究了一种面向普适的、大众化服务工作流技术。有别于传统的属于某一组织内部(如集团、行业)的工作流技术。本文针对客户感知的工作流服务质量为优化控制目标,基于与客户交互中形成的关系为基础,研究了在普适服务计算中服务工作流的优化控制技术。提出一种基于客户关系的服务工作流优化模型,在此基础上提出了相应的优化控制算法与策略。具体来说,论文主要进行了如下方面的工作:首先提出了一种基于客户关系的服务工作流模型。模型较好地综合了服务工作流的特点。然后以客户交互理论为基础,提出了一种基于客户交互关系的工作流路径选取算法。在算法中采用了D-S证据理论来指导用户的工作流路径选择。相对于传统的单纯从服务质量的指标上进行优化来说,更具有实际的指导作用。在增强虚拟服务池的信任关系进行了演化计算。最后基于本文提出的服务工作流模型,提出了一种基于遗传算法的服务工作流候选服务的算法。经过实验与理论证明,本文提出的算法在计算复杂度与速度上能够满足实际的需要,相对于一些传统的服务选取算法,实验结果表明本文提出的模型具有一定优势,同时在许多方面还值得进一步研究。本文的研究成果对推动服务工作流的研究具有借鉴意义。
【Abstract】 The service-oriented computing paradigm has been widely used in recent years. The popular paradigm has also facilitated the development of service-oriented workflow techniques, which is considered to be the future trend of workflow.In the existing workflow systems, the traditional workflow techniques just serve a specific industrial area, company, and factory. Thus, the processing flow in such systems is stable. The paper proposes a novel workflow system, which provides graphical user interfaces to users to interact with user and optimize the quality of services based on the users’ requirements. According to the workflow of an optimized customer relationship management model, we design and implement the corresponding to optimal controlling strategies and algorithms in our workflow system. Our workflow system has been successfully deployed in a telecommunication company and the operations in the company demonstrate the effectiveness of our system. More specifically, the major contributions of our work are as follows.Firstly, the workflow model for customer relationship management, which takes the advantages of service-oriented techniques to provide effective services have been propsed.The second an algorithm for workflow path selection based on the theory of human-machine interaction has been propsed. In our algorithm, the D-S theory has been used to perform path selection. Compared with the metrics of quality of services, our algorithm using user awareness can be practical and feasible. Inorder to enhance thevirtual services pool’s trust relationship, we proceed the evolutionary computation.Finaly, designed a generic service selection algorithm for our workflow system. The theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm can satisfy the application requirements in terms of both time complexity and operation speed. Our algorithm can be even more effective in comparison with some existing solutions to service selection. The practical operations show that the proposed model can be very suitable and effective to real application systems and the model can be further improved.The proposed model can be helpful and constructive to various real application systems.
【Key words】 service-oriented workflow; customer relationship management; service selections; working path; quality of service; generic algorithm;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
- 【分类号】TP311.52
- 【被引频次】3
- 【下载频次】136