

【作者】 陈磊

【导师】 冯正强;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 2000年以来,中国半导体行业呈现出良好的发展态势,光电子市场也进入了一个快速发展时期,但该市场的竞争也日趋激烈。本文首先介绍了欧西莱(中国)光电子有限公司(以下简称欧西莱)的基本情况。对该公司在中国市场所取得的成绩和现有营销策略作了总体评价,并着重指出了其面临的主要问题和挑战。公司应通过加强管理来控制管理费用和财务费用的支出额度。通过市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位分析指出,从区域上,公司应采取市场集中化策略定位于珠三角和长三角,而产品定位上选择专业化的中、高端目标市场:可见光系列定位于中端、红外和激光系列定位于高端。通过实施一套营销组合策略来达成上述的市场定位。就产品而言,应延长其生命周期、加强新产品开发、提升品牌知名度。从营销角度来看,加强渠道建设、夯实直接客户基础、加速大客户战略联盟的建设,通过实施溢价战略,销售高品质产品获得超额利润,通过优质价值战略,销售中等品质产品,打击竞争对手。在回顾了光电子产业的发展概况和技术发展的新趋势并给出了行业市场趋势预测的基础上,通过SWOT矩阵分析指出,公司应实施增长型战略:以市场为导向,通过规模化生产,降低成本,打击竞争对手;利用良好的品牌信誉度、先进的技术和新产品开发能力进一步扩大市场份额。最后给出了要实现市场目标,必须加强营销计划的制定、执行和控制,改进销售考评管理体系,加强客户关系管理,以确保这些营销策略的有效实施。应该说欧西莱整个公司得以健康、稳健的发展与成长,营销策略的正确选择和良好实施功不可没。

【Abstract】 It has developed well at semiconductor industry in China since 2000. Opto-electronics industry is growing quite rapidly, but there is a fierce competition in this industry.It presents the profile about 0slam(0smium Wolflam) China Opto-electronics (Hereinafter Oslam), firstly. It is a summary about the achievements which Oslam has reached and the marketing strategies which has been put into practice in China. And the key issues and challenges are faced by Oslam are mainly emphasized. The expenditure on administration and finance should be controlled through management. Based on the analysis of STP(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning), regionally, Pearl River Delta and Yangtz River Delta should be focused. From the product positioned, high end market: IR & Laser and mid-end :Visable should be concentrated on. Market can be positioned via a set of marketing strategies-integrated.For the product strategy, it is essential to extend its lify cycle, to develop new products and lift the brand. From the point of view of marketing, it is necessary to build sales channels well, to consolidate a solid foundation with direct customers and establish a strategic-alliance. Put the over-price strategy into practice to earn extra profit through selling qualitied products. Under the cost effective, Oslam can win more market share through attacking rival via selling mid-quality products.The development trend at Opto-electronics industry is predicted via reviewing the history of industry and new technology. From SWOT matrix, the extending strategyies including market-oriented, scale-economy, cost down should be taken to fight rival. Then, market share will most likely be increased.To achieve target, marketing strategy must be worked out, implemented and controlled. The performance evaluating system needs improving, the CRM(Customer Relationship Management) system needs emphasizing so as to ensure the strategy carried out. Obviously, Oslam can grow steadily and healthily in accordance with the choice of the appropriate marketing strategy and get it implemented well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.63
  • 【下载频次】207

