

【作者】 张小军

【导师】 尹周澜; 刘士军;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 物理化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以微量热法为实验手段,以搅拌式球磨和行星式球磨为活化方式,以氧化锌,氧化铜,氧化镍为研究对象,进行了机械活化储能的定量研究,以探讨两种球磨方法、球磨活化时间、球磨活化转速与活化储能之间的关系,为机械活化过程的理论研究提供基础数据。主要研究工作如下:(1)对Calvet HT-1000型量热仪进行了标定及可靠性检验。电标定面积法测定仪器热量常数K为0.4105J·V-1·s-1。在T=298.15K下,1molKCl溶于200mol去离子水中溶解热平均值Q为17.61kJ·mol(-10,与文献值17.56推算相对误差为0.34%,在误差允许范围之内,仪器是准确可靠的。(2)精确测定了机械活化氧化锌、氧化铜、氧化镍的全部机械活化储能,发现其机械活化储能随活化时间增加而增加,但增加的趋势随活化时间增加而减缓,最终达到该条件下的机械活化储能极限。298.15K下,行星式球磨氧化锌最大活化储能约为26.7kJ·mol-1,搅拌式球磨氧化锌最大活化储能约为27.2kJ·mol-1。行星式球磨氧化铜最大活化储能约为23.5kJ·mol-1,搅拌式球磨氧化铜最大活化储能约为24.2kJ·mol-1。行星式球磨氧化镍最大活化储能约为30.4kJ·mol-1,搅拌式球磨氧化镍最大活化储能约为32.2kJ·mol-1。(3)比表面积增加导致其机械活化储能增加,但不是氧化锌、氧化铜、氧化镍机械活化储能的主要原因。活化储能以晶格畸变为主。(4)搅拌式球磨较行星式球磨效率高,较短的时间获得了较高的活化储能。

【Abstract】 The energy changes of mechanically activated Zinc oxide, cupric oxide, nickel monoxide were studied in order to investigate the relation between mechanically activated storage energy and the way of activation, and to provide a fundamental basis for the mechanical activation . The main conclusions made are as follows:(1) The parameters of the Calvet HT-1000 microcalorimeter were calibrated systematically with a new electric caliboration device redesigned. The parameter of the instrument K is 0.4105J·V-1·s-1. The reliability of the microcalorimeter was verified. At 298.15K, the heat of 1mol KC1 in 200mol pure wate is 17.61 kJ·mol-1.The result is close to that of the literature which is 17.56 kJ·mol-1, with a relative error 0.34%.(2) The mechanically activated stored energy of Zinc oxide, cupric oxide, and nickel monoxide increases with the increased grinding time. The mechanically activated stored energy of Zinc oxide by planetary ball mill is about 26.7kJ·mol-1, by attritor ball mill is about 27.2 kJ·mol-1. The mechanically activated stored energy of cupric oxide by planetary ball mill is about 23.5kJ·mol-1, by attritor ball mill is about 24.2kJ·mol-1. The mechanically activated stored energy of nickel monoxide by planetary ball mill is about 30.4kJ·mol-1, by attritor ball mill is about 32.2kJ·mol-1.(3) The increase of the specific surface energy of mechanically activated Zinc oxide, cupric oxide and nickel monoxide is not the main reason. The mechanically activated stored energy is closely related to the lattice distortions.(4) The efficiency of attritor ball mill is higher than which of planetary ball mill, got higher activated storage energy in a shorter time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】O611.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】134

