

The Study of Blog from the Perspective of Communication Studies

【作者】 吴赛男

【导师】 刘泽民;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 博客是继BBS、E-mail、ICQ后的第四种网络交流方式。作为一种“平民媒体”,博客以其自由性、开放性、即时性、互动性吸引了越来越多的实践者。目前博客在世界范围内拥有了数亿用户,其庞大的用户群带来的“规模效应”,使得博客在社会各方面引发巨大影响,它不仅影响人们的学习、工作、生活方式,还带来了新的传播理念和方式,对传统媒体甚至网络媒体带来了新一轮的冲击。博客是人类传播史上的一个里程碑,它的出现,标志着以“信息共享”为特征的第一代门户之后,追求“思想共享”为特征的第二代门户正在走向大众。博客发展速度惊人,迅速成为传播学领域里尤其是网络传播界不可忽视的重要命题。本论文从传播学视角出发,结合传播学经典理论,从学术的角度综合运用文献研究、比较分析、实例分析等多种研究方法来进行考察,并结合有关的热点博客现象进行分析。论文第一章从博客的传播要素、媒介特征以及多种传播模式的综合,这三个方面着手对博客的传播学特征进行阐述;第二章从博客传播对媒介研究方法的改变、媒介分析理论的影响、媒介控制理论的突破以及它对传播业界的影响等方面诠释博客的传播学意义;第三章以博客的实践为视点,分析博客面临的问题以及对策;最后的结语对博客的发展前景作进一步展望。作为一种新兴的网络传播方式,博客在为越来越多的人使用的同时,其发展过程还存在诸多问题,如博客伦理、博客中的侵权以及其发展模式问题等等。如何消除其发展中的各种负面影响,保证博客健康有序发展将成为今后社会各界努力的方向。

【Abstract】 Blog is the fourth mode of network communication following BBS, E-mail and ICQ. As a "civilian media," blog is attracting more and more practitioners for its freedom, openness, instantaneity and interactivity.At present with hundreds of millions of users in the world, blog causes tremendous impact on the society from all aspects in the view of the "scale effect" brought about by its huge user group. It influences not only people’s learning, work and lifestyle, but also brings new ideas and new ways of communication and a new round of attacks on the traditional media and even network media.Blog is a milestone in the history of dissemination. Its appearance marked that the second-generation portals with the characteristic of " ideas sharing " is moving toward masses after the first generation portals which is characteristic of "information sharing". Blog developed at an astonishing pace, quickly becoming an important proposition which can not be ignored in the science of communication especially in the area of the network media.From the perspective of the science of communication, integrating with communication the thesis employs such research methodologies as literature review, comparative study and example analysis to carry out the investigation academically in conjunction with the analysis of the hot blog phenomenon. Chapter One is a review of the communication elements, media features and various communication mode of blog, from which the chapter expounds the commnication features of blog. Chapter Two illustrates the commnication significance of blog from the aspects of the change of communication research method under blog, the influence of media analysis theory, the breakthrough of media control theory and blog’s impact on communication area. Chapter Three analyzes the problems blog is facing and its solutions on the basis of the blog practice. The final conclusion presents the furthur outlook of the development prospects of blog.As a new mode of network communication, blog has brought about a lot of problems such as blog ethics, infrigement in blog, its development mode and so on while blog is used by more and more people. How to eliminate the negative impacts during its development to ensure healthy and orderly development of a blog will become the aim for the society to strive for.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】536

