

【作者】 骆文轩

【导师】 谷湘平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 构造地质学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 熊耳山地区是东秦岭造山带重要的有色金属及贵金属成矿区,研究熊耳山地区金、银多金属的成矿规律具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文应用矿床学、岩石学、构造地质学、地球化学理论知识,辅以岩石化学、遥感等多种方法,对河南熊耳山地区,洛宁范庄金、银多金属矿矿床地质特征及其矿床成因进行详细、系统的研究。确认本区闪长岩类的化学成分多以富铁,镁质,贫铝贫钙为特征,说明本区基底多铁镁质成分。总结了熊耳山地区的成矿的时、空分布规律、空间展布特征。在研究区南东角全宝山西坡、田家村一带发现了与海底火山喷发有关的细碧角斑岩枕状构造,并认为白家庄、锁凹一带铁矿物质来源与海底火山喷气喷流作用有关,其富集与后期热液叠加和进一步变形变质改造有关;加深了对本区伸展构造的认识:对本区的成矿分布有一定的认识,本区的成矿带主要为三种形式:①靠近北部太华群与熊耳群之间的拆离断层带下拆离盘存在缓倾斜的强烈硅化、钾化带形成缓倾斜的金矿脉。②中部以银矿化为主,主要为陡倾斜脉。③本区铁矿化主要存在两种不同的成因类型:一为石板沟组底部超镁铁质岩和斜长角闪岩团块变质分异的铁矿化,分布在走马坪、竹园沟和前、后桐花架一带;另一为与海底火山喷气喷流作用有关的块状硫化物矿床,分布于锁凹、白家庄一带。

【Abstract】 The area of Xiongershan is an important ore-forming region of nonferrous metals and precious metals in East-Qinling orogenic belt.It is of important theoretical and practical meanings to analyzing the ore-formin regularity rule of gold and silver poly-metals in Xiongershan area.This thesis uses the theories of oregeology,petrology,structural geology and geochemistry as well as petrochemistry and remote sensing,to study geological characteristics and genesis of gold and silver polymetallic deposit in LuolingFanzhang, Xiongershan Region,revealing the time-space distributing rule and space exhibiting feature.Applying the characteristics of the chemical component of diorite,which are abundant in iron,magnesium,but insufficient of aluminum and calcium,the conclusion has been induced that the component of basement in this mineral district is abundant of iron and magnesium.The geological investigation in the area of west slope of Quanbaoshan and Tiancun,indicated the existence of pillow structure of spilitic-keratophyre related to the volcanic eruption in submarine suggesting that the origin of iron ore matter in Baijiazhuang and Suoao is related to the submarine volcanic exhalation and spouting. Meanwhile,it is induced that the enrichment of iron ore matter is shown to be the superposition of later hydrothermal fluid and the furthering deformation and metamorphism.Base on this research,a further understanding about the extensional tectonics has been obtained and the rule of ore-forming distribution was explored.The ore-forming style in the region can be divided into 3 forms:1.Near the North Taihua Formation and Xionger Formation,the gently dipping gold ore vein has been formed in the footwall of Decoupling fault,where occur intensive silication and potassium feldspathization belt2.In the middle region,the mineralization is dominated by silver,and the dip of the silver ore vein is steep.3.The genesis of ironic mineralization can be devided into 2 styles.Firstly, metamorphic and differential iron mineralization which is relative to the ultramafic rock and amphibolite mass under the Shibangou Group,mainly distributes to the region of Zoumaping,Zhuyuangou and Tonghuajia.Secondly,the massive sulfide deposit which is relative to the submarine volcanic exhalation and spouting mainly distributing in the region of Suoao and Baijiazhuang.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】P618.51
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】228

