

Study on Geological Hazard of Karst Cave and Gob

【作者】 蒋俊

【导师】 隆威; 信和培;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 岩溶塌陷是指岩溶化洞穴上面的覆盖层在自然或人为因素作用下引起变形破坏,向隐伏在其下的早期岩溶洞隙塌落,并在地表形成塌陷坑的一种动力地质作用与现象。岩溶地质现象存在于喀斯特碳酸盐地区,已经在我国22个省市发现有岩溶存在,岩溶灾害已经成为威胁我国建筑业、矿业、公路铁路等交通行业的主要地质灾害之一。从人为角度上,岩溶塌陷分为自然塌陷和人工塌陷;从地质体角度上看,岩溶塌陷分为岩洞塌陷和土洞塌陷。针对我国的岩溶地质现象,本文系统地分析了塌陷地质灾害的勘察方法和手段,提出了岩溶地基岩体的具体分级方法及参数的选取方法,指出了岩溶塌陷的产生需具备的3个条件,分析了造成岩溶塌陷的诱发因素和致塌机理,指出水的作用是岩溶塌陷产生的主要原因,分析了塌陷灾害的各种处理方法等,并分别采用丰富的工程实例作为检验。最后,文章借用离散元工具,详细进行了岩溶地区地质灾害的仿真模拟分析研究,包括应力应变分析、位移分析,影响因素分析。另外,文章首次采用离散元数值模拟技术模拟分析了地震作用下溶洞塌陷的过程,并给出了塌陷灾害的影响范围。数值模拟计算得到的塌陷范围与现场监测到结果非常相似,误差在11.7%,说明数值模拟过程是可靠的。由数值模拟分析可知,离散元能很好地模拟塌陷的过程,模拟结果的范围与实际相似,为类似的工程计算和评估提供了一个新的方法。

【Abstract】 Karst cave collapse means a kind of dynamic geological phenomenon, which refers to the overburden layer, deformed or destructed due to natural or artificial factors, and collapse to the crack of under layer, which formed a cave on the ground surface. Karst geological phenomenon usually lies in carbonate area, and widely existed in 22 provinces of China, this kind of geological hazard extremely threaten our industry of construction, mining and communication, and becomes one of the mainly geological hazard.Karst cave collapse can be divided as natural and artificial collapse, and which can also be divided to rock cave collapse and soil cave collapse from the point of geological material. This paper carefully analysis the methods of exploring karst cave collapse, give out the detail methods of classification and parameter selection, point out that there are three condition to form the collapse, give out the induced factors and mechanics, point out that usually the mainly factor is due to water, it also give the methods which deal with this kind of collapse, all of these were tested by several example. Finally, this paper simulates the procedure of karst cave collapse use UDEC, including the analysis of stress, strain, displacement and induced factors. This paper also simulate the procedure of karst cave collapse due to earthquake, and give the result of collapse zone, which is similar to the real result, and the error is 11.7%, which indicate that the simulation is reliable.From the above simulation, the discrete element method is good at analysis the procedure of karst cave collapse, and the result is agree well with the real situation, which give a good new method to compute and appraise the same kind of engineering.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】P642.26
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】790

