

The Investigation of Citizens’ Family Status about Stored Drug and Drug Safety

【作者】 白航

【导师】 李焕德;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 药剂学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的按照生物一心理一社会医学模式的健康观,世界卫生组织(WHO)认为:“健康不仅是没有疾病和病痛,而且是一种个体在身体上、精神上、社会上完全安宁(comletewell-being)的状态。为了实现人人健康的目标,就应以家庭为单位实现自我保健。如今,“大病进医院,小病进药房”已成为大多数老百姓的习惯,社会保健用药是自我保健的重要手段。随着我国经济状况明显改善,人们自我保健意识的增强和卫生知识水平明显提高,家庭药箱已经普遍存在于社会大多数家庭中。家庭储药情况及人们的用药行为是一个动态系统,随着社会发飞速发展,人们的自我保健意识及卫生知识水平也在发生变化,家庭药箱储备药物的数量和种类,人们用药行为和用药安全性也有相应改变。为对我市居民家庭储药情况和用药安全性有个初步的了解,我们确定了这个调查研究。通过对家庭小药箱和自我药疗知识的调查,对人群的家庭储药状况,用药是否合理等进行了解,为在社会人群中普及安全用药教育打下基础,提供素材;通过调查分析,唤起全社会的关注:为医药卫生管理部门制订相关制度时提供参考;为医疗卫生单位提高医药卫生服务质量提供参考;为医药商品市场的发展提供参考。方法关于家庭药箱的储药状况及用药安全性曾经有人从某些方面作过调查,但都是多年前的事了,且很少有进入家庭进行家庭储药调查的报导,我市也没有相关的调查。为对我市居民家庭储药情况和用药安全性有个初步的了解,我们采用自行设计的问卷调查表,采用系统抽样的方法对长沙市开福区、芙蓉区、雨花区、天心区和岳麓区5大行政区262户,湘乡市3个行政区31户常住户,共计293户,采用入户调查的方式,进行家庭安全用药情况问卷调查及家庭药箱的储药调查,同时进行安全用药的宣传指导。因有部分家庭不愿意进行家庭药箱的调查,所以在回收的293户调查表中,只有211户调查表反映家庭储药情况。结果分为2部分内容,一部分是家庭药箱储药状况;另一部分是关于用药安全性的调查,这两部分互为联系。1家庭药箱储药状况的调查这一部分的调查主要是通过入户进行药箱清理获得数据。调查表明:1.1被调查的293户家庭储药率为100%。1.2在接受家庭药箱调查的211户居民中,家庭储药种数以4~5种及6~10种的户数最多,占53.3%,是一种普遍现象。1.3家庭储药种类和数量受多种因素影响,其中最主要的是有无慢性病患者,调查显示,在211户居民中有57户,共67人患慢性病,较多的是心脑血管疾病、胃肠道疾病、支气管疾病和骨关节疾病,该类家庭储药种类亦较多,依序为57,56,36和20种(包括中西药,除了针对性药物外,还包括其他种类药物),且凡有慢性疾病患者的家庭,又有医保或经济条件较好者,储药种类繁多,调查发现,储药30~40种的4家,40种以上的4家,最多的一家储药达64种。1.4在受访户中抗菌药物的储备率也很高,仅次于抗感冒药,但没有一家备有肾上腺素或氢化可的松之类抗过敏急救药,存在一定危险性。由于多数受访者是以医嘱为主要购药依据的,储户家中抗菌药物的使用可能与医院医生开出抗菌药物有一定联系。1.5农村居民28户,其中无慢性病家庭储药量偏低,一般为2~3种,有慢性病家庭储药略多,一般为4~5种。1.6此外,在储药、存放和保管方面也都存在比较严重的问题,如内服药与外用药分开存放的问题,有128户(43.6%)回答为“否”;注意儿童拿不到药的问题有73户(24.9%)回答“没注意”。2关于用药安全性的调查:这一部分的调查主要是通过问卷调查获得数据,调查表明:2.1人群选购药物时,按医嘱购药的依从性总体状况较好,依从性好者达到81.91%,中等者达到55.63%,但较差者亦达到24.91.5%。2.2对家庭储药的治疗作用有239户(81.57%)家庭比较清楚,对家中药物的治疗作用略了解和不了解的有54户(18.4%);对家中药物副作用清楚的有100户(34.13%),对副作用不太清楚和不清楚的193户(65.8%);对药物的有效期注意了的有192(65.53%),没注意和不会看的101户(34.4%)。可见,对家庭储药的认识和使用总的来说是比较好的,但也有很高比例的盲目性,特别是对药物的副作用的了解方面还明显不足。2.3对家庭储备药物的认识和安全使用状况均与职业、文化程度、医药卫生知识的了解和经济条件密切相关,一般而言,文化程度较高者有较好的用药安全性。2.4在职干部及大专以上文化程度者使用药物说明书的户数高于其他职业和文化程度者,这是自我诊疗能力的重要表现。在自我诊疗的知识和能力上,文化程度较高者自我诊疗能力较强。结论:1、政府及医疗卫生组织需加强对广大人民群众的健康教育,普及医药卫生知识,提高人群的医药素质从而提高人们对药品的认识。2、社会药房应向患者提供药品说明书,鼓励阅读药物说明书,以降低用药的盲目性,促进合理用药,安全用药,减少不合理用药。3、医疗单位应通过多种途径指导家庭合理配备家庭药箱。家庭药箱相当于家中的一个小药房,药学工作者应当传授患者正确储存和保管药品的知识,而且指导用药服务是非常必要的。4、考虑到有很多家庭因各种原因没有专用药箱,为家庭用药设计合理的专用药箱是可取的。5、医疗单位和社区间可以经常配合开展用药安全的宣传教育,并可以采取一定方法回收家庭药箱中的过期失效药品,从而保证用药安全,减少因误服用而导致的不良后果及其所带来的资源浪费。6、由于我国医院抗菌药物的使用率相比一些发达国家偏高,医院的导向可能使百姓在抗菌药物的使用上产生错觉,而导致抗菌药物的滥用。所以规范医院抗菌药物的使用,对指导百姓用药有积极意义。由于人力物力的不足,这次调查的户数还不足以代表整个长沙市的整体水平,但我们希望通过这次调查,能提供一个对居民家庭用药在存储和使用方面的大致了解,以唤取全社会对这方面的关心,并通过更多的研究,为医药卫生管理部门在制订相关医疗卫生制度方面提供参考;为医疗卫生单位在提高医药卫生服务方面提供参考;为医药商品市场的发展提供参考。

【Abstract】 ObjectiveAccording to living being- psychological-social medicine model of healthy viewpoint,World Health Organization thinks that health is not disease and ailment,but also a kind of body、mentally and society complete well-being condition.To carry out healthy object,we should come true self health care.Nowadays,patients with grave disease get used to hospital,those with slight disease get accustomed to pharmacy, medicine of social health is a important method of self health care.With improvement of economic status,self health care and the level of health information are obviously enhanced.It is a dynamic system that store drugs’ information and drug taking behavior.With social development at full speed,the quantities and kinds of store drugs of family medicine-chest,and drug taking behavior and safety have also corresponding change.Healthy global strategy about Every people in 2000 points out:"health should start from family、school and factory" It is the first important element of family health care to effect health. Thus,it is an important issue of government and society to settle health care and healthy level of family member,meanwhile,it is also an important content of social pharmacy.Methods There are some investigations about store state of family medicine-chest and drug taking safety,but no information about store state of family medicine-chest is reported,including our city.To investigate family’s safe medication and store drug of family’s medicine-chest from 293 households through questionnaire and systematic sampling,at the same time,directions of propaganda of safe medication are processed,including 262 households from Kaifu、Furong、Yuhua、Tianxin and Yuelu districts in Changsha city,and 31 households from three administrative areas in Xiangxiang city.211 of 293 households accorded with questionnaire and reflected family’s store drug.ResultsTwo factors which are condition of store drug of family’s medicine-chest and investigation of drug taking behavior are connected with each other.1 Investigation of store state of family medicine-chestData acquisition through cleaning the medicine-chest,investigation showed:1.1 The rate of family store drug investigatived in 211is 100%.1.24~5 and 6~10 kinds of drugs are the most kind in family,equal to 53.3%in 211 households.1.3 Many factors may influence the kinds and quantities of family’s store drug,chronic disease patient is the most main factor,the investigation shows that 67 people in 57 of 211 households have chronic disease,most of them are heart and cerebrovascular diseases、gastrointestinal tract、disease of bronchus、bone and joint disease, respectively into 57、56、36 and 20 kinds(expect for direction medicine, including traditional Chinese and Western medicines,and the others).A great variety kinds of store drug are stored by families which have chronic diseases and better economical,investigations show that 4 families have 30~40 kinds of store drugs,4 families have more than 40 kinds of store drugs,1 family has the most kinds of store drugs,the number is 64.1.4 The reserve rate of antibacterial in depositor is also high which is only smaller than that of anticoldrex,to the extent,and no one has anti-anaphylaxi first aid drugs,for example,,adrenalin or hydrocortisoneo Antibacterial in family may have a relationship with hospital s’ prescribe.1.5 In 28 househoulds of Country dweller,the quantities of non-chronic disease family are lower,general 2~3 kinds.The quantities of chronic disease family are more,general 4~5 kinds.1.6 There are severe issues in store drug、deposit and storage,for example,128(43.6%)households did not separat the deposit of oral medicine and topical;73 households did not take attention to the place where child did not reach it.2 Safe investigation of Medication:Data acquisition through questionnaire,search showed:2.1 The best dependence of doctor’s orders is 81.91%,the middling of those is 55.63%,the worst of those is 24.91.5%.2.2 The investigation shows that 239 households(81.57%)get message about therapeutic action of the drugs clearly,54 households (18.4%)have a little understanding or have no idea about the drugs,193 households(65.8%)have no information about the side effects of drugs, 101 households(34.4%)did not take attention and can not look at drugs’ validity duration.It is evident that the blind of recognition and utilization of family store drug is a higher rate.Especially,understanding of the side effect of medicine is obviously deficient.2.3 The recognition and safe utilization of family store drug has a close correlation with occupation、culture、understand of medical science and economical condition;the knowledge and ability of self diagnose and treat,people with a higher culture had better medication safety.2.4 The number of using drug’s specification in an officer on the job and undergraduate student is more than those of the others.It is the important representation of self diagnose and treat.The knowledge and ability of self diagnose and treat,people with the higher culture has a better ability of diagnose and treat. Conclusions1、Government and medical group should enhance the health education of people,make medical health information universal,improve peoples’ recognition of drugs.2、Community pharmacy should supply patient with dispensatory, encourage reading specification,lower blind of medicine,promote rational use and safe medication.3、Medical therapy unit should guide family reasonable equipment with medicine-chest.Family medicine-chest is equal to a small pharmacy,people working on pharmacy should impart correct knowledge of store and storage drug,and it is very necessary to guide people how to use medicine.4、It is advisable to design reasonable and special medicine-chest for family,because many families have not special medicine-chest for many reasons.5、Medical Therapy Unit and community may usually promote education of safe Medication,and adopt some ways to reclaim overdue invalid drugs of family medicine-chest.6、Usage of antibacterial at hospital in china was higher than that of developed nations,because hospital targeting may make people illusion in usage of antibacterial,which result into abuse of antibacterial.It is a positive meaning for usage of medicine to make usage of antibacterial standard.Because of insufficient human resource and object,the number of investigative household do not represent entirely the whole level of integral Changsha city,but we hope we can make society concern this issue by this research which supply information about storage and usage of family medication.Management of medical science should provide for information about system of medical treatment and sanitation,improve service of medical science at subject of medical treatment,provide for information about development commodity market of medicine.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】R95
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1037

