

Approaches to Translation of English Verbal Humor

【作者】 金敏

【导师】 屠国元;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 幽默在中西方都是个古老而永恒的话题。它为人类所共有,也为人类所独有。它体现了一个人的智慧、知识和灵感。“幽默感”甚至成为评价一个人文化程度和能力大小的重要标准。作为一种普遍的人类现象,幽默在人们生活的方方面面,在各种人际交往中显示出重要的作用,尤其是各种笑话和幽默文体。在跨文化交流日益频繁的今天,幽默翻译当之无愧成为文化交流中不可或缺的一部分。然而,由于源语和译语间特有的语言和文化差异,幽默翻译一直被认为是令人绝望的,也很少被学者们当作一个独特的翻译问题来研究。幽默在翻译中经常成为译者棘手的难题。直到现在,对幽默翻译的研究仍然大部分围绕着可译和不可译展开。随着翻译研究的不断深化和完善,传统的语言学翻译理论暴露出越来越多的缺陷。在这种情况之下,作为一个重大突破和补充,由德国学者提出的功能翻译论为翻译研究开辟了一个新视角,功能主义在当代翻译研究领域中的影响日益加强。根据功能主义的翻译观,翻译被看作是一种目的性行为,重在强调翻译所要达到的功能。功能翻译论的中心是由汉斯·威密尔所提出的“目的论”:一种把目的观念运用于翻译的理论。在目的论中,译者的主体性得到了强调,为使译文达到其所赋予的功能,译者可以采用一些恰当的非常规的翻译策略。目的论对源文的功能及其意义的确定性给予了不同的视角,源文不再被认为它有其确定的意义就至高无上,而只被看作是信息的提供者,译者可根据翻译的目的对它做出相应的分析和处理。本文运用功能翻译理论尤其是目的论作为全文的理论框架,选用典型的英语言语幽默实例展开分析,试图探求一些切实可行的幽默的翻译策略。整个翻译行为的目的是决定翻译过程最重要的准则。因此,在翻译英语言语幽默时只要翻译策略能够达到在目标语读者中引发笑声的最终目的,这种翻译策略就是有效可行的。

【Abstract】 Humor both in the West and the East has been a longstanding and eternal topic. It is a valuable heritage of human beings and unique to human beings as well. It embodies one’s knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. "Sense of humor" even becomes an important norm to evaluate a person’s literacy and ability.As a pervasive human phenomenon, humor plays important roles in many spheres and aspects of life, in various human interactions and especially in jokes and humorous styles. During the increasingly frequent cross-cultural communication world-wide, translation of humor should not be neglected.However, humor translation has been regarded as a despairing issue and rarely been systematically studied as a specific translation problem as a result of the linguistic and cultural differences between the source and target language. And frequently, humor makes itself an intractable problem for translators. Up to now, a debate on the translatability and untranslatability of certain kinds of humor has still dominated most of humor translation research.As the study of translation goes deeper and more comprehensive, translation theorists begin to realize that traditional linguistic translation theories are increasingly incompetent. It was. under such circumstances that German scholars put forward the functionalist approach to translation as a great breakthrough and an important complement to traditional theories. It has opened up a new perspective and become increasingly popular in the contemporary translation studies. From the perspective of German functionalism, translating is considered as a purposeful activity, focusing on the function or functions that the translation tends to achieve. The functionalist approach to translation is represented by Hans J. Vermeer’s "Skopos Theory", a theory that applies the notion "skopos" (Greek word for "purpose") to translation.In the Skopos theory, the translator’s subjectivity is emphasized and he/she is entitled to choose some unconventional but appropriate translation strategies to achieve the intended purpose of translation. The status of the original text and the determinacy of meaning are redefined. The original text is no longer regarded as a sacred text of fixed meaning, but just as an offer of information, which must be analyzed and processed by the translator according to his/her particular purpose of translation.Functionalist translation theory, especially Skopos Theory, provides the theoretical framework to guide and examine the application of translation strategies for English verbal humor with typical examples analyzed in this thesis. The purpose of the overall translational action is the prime principle of determining any process of translation. Therefore, in translating English verbal humor, the translation strategy is feasible and successful only if it can serve the ultimate purpose of translation to elicit laughter in target language readers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【下载频次】379

