

【作者】 张建华

【导师】 杨开湘;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 司法鉴定人是司法鉴定活动的实施主体,鉴定结论的制作者。司法鉴定人直接决定着鉴定结论的科学性、客观性、公正性,因而司法鉴定人具有非常重要的作用,并且这种重要性已经得到国内外法学界、司法鉴定界的普遍认可。为了保证司法鉴定过程中鉴定结论的客观性、公正性,必须在法律层面上明确、具体的规定司法鉴定人的权利、义务、法律责任。而我国现行法律相关规定或者一片空白,或者问题多多。2005年10月1日生效的《全国人大常委会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》使司法鉴定模式发生转型,司法鉴定职能从侦查职能、审判职能、行政职能中独立出来,司法鉴定人失去“官方”背景,司法鉴定人制度越来越走向社会化,这一转变使得合理配置我国司法鉴定人权责内容,完善我国司法鉴定人权责制度成为当务之急。因此,本文从司法鉴定人权责制度的基本理论入手,通过观察我国司法鉴定人权责现状,借鉴西方国家司法鉴定人权责制度的有益经验,研讨我国司法解释、规章、地方性法规等关于司法鉴定人权责内容的合理规定,力图在对部分现有规定进行完善和对应有权利、义务、法律责任内容增加的思路下,从法律层面上对我国司法鉴定人权责内容统筹考虑、合理配置,以期达到科学、合理地完善我国司法鉴定人权责制度的最终目标。

【Abstract】 Judicial authenticator is the concrete executor of judicial authentication activities, and the producer of authenticating results. Judicial authenticator directly determines scientific, objective and impartial authenticating results. So judicial authenticator has a very important role, and he has been generally ratified by law and judicial authentication trade. To ensure the objectivity and impartiality of authenticating results, we must clearly provide right, obligation and legal liability of judicial authenticator in law. But the relevant provision of law is a blank space, or it have existed many problems in our country.《Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on issues of administration of judicial authentication》is effective on October 1st, 2007. It makes the judicial authentication translated, judicial authentication’ function separated from the spying function, judicial function, and administrative function. Judicial authenticator tends towards socialization. This change makes configuring right and responsibility content of judicial authenticator, and improving right and responsibility system of judicial authenticator in China urgent. This paper try to arrange and configure right and responsibility of judicial authenticator content of judicial authenticator from the height of national legislation to improvement right and responsibility system of judicial authenticator in China, by extending the basic theory of right and responsibility system of judicial authenticator, observing the existing right, obligation and legal liability of judicial authenticator in China, and taking the advantages of foreign improvement right and responsibilitysystem of judicial authenticator as reference, then discussing thereasonable provisions of judicial interpretations, regulations, and localcode about judicial authenticator’s right and responsibility content in ourcountry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D918.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】131

