

Research on the Acidic Soluble Glass Material and the Grouting Technology Design

【作者】 吴国栋

【导师】 张可能;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 注浆技术是岩土工程学的一个分支,属于地基处理的范畴。注浆法出现于19世纪初,采用注浆技术以解决土建工程中有关技术难题,至今已有一个多世纪的历史。随着注浆技术的广泛应用,注浆材料也得到了较大的发展。目前在工程中得到广泛应用的注浆材料主要有水泥类浆材、粘土固化浆材、水玻璃类浆材等。现在,对浆材的性能要求也越来越高,寻求价格便宜、无污染、渗透性强、可注性好、固结强度较高、凝胶时间易于控制和施工方便等综合性能指标高及成本较低的绿色新型注浆材料是材料界和工程界研究开发的共同课题。许多科研单位都对新型注浆材料进行了研究并取得了一定成果,但涉及酸性水玻璃—碳酸钙这一化学注浆材料研究的则比较少,对其研究深度还有待于深入。本文主要研究内容和成果如下:对浆材的凝胶时间进行了较为详细的实验研究。较为全面的掌握了不同配比下该浆材的凝胶时间,运用化学知识,对影响其凝胶时间的因素以及浆液凝胶时间可调性较差的原因进行了深入的分析。对浆材的固砂体强度进行了较为详细的实验研究。通过实验,较为全面的掌握了浆材在不同配比下、不同龄期的固砂强度值以及该值与时间的关系,对影响试件强度的主要因素也做了分析研究。根据该浆材的综合性能,结合酸性水玻璃在实际工程中应用的经验,对该浆材的适用范围做了合理探讨:地基(砂土层)的加固、高速公路病害的处理及充填堵水注浆等方面。根据该浆材的综合性能,对浆材应用于地基(砂土层)加固工程做了较为详细的注浆工艺设计。其中主要包括了对碳酸钙原料选用、现场浆液配制时所应注意问题、对浆液配制时所产生的CO2的利用的初步探讨以及注浆效果的检测手段。

【Abstract】 Injection Grout, which belongs to Foundation treatment, is a foliation of geotechnical engineering science .Injection Grout appears at the beginning of the 19th century. There is about more than 100 years since it was used to deal with the problems in civil works. And also the injection material develops quickly along with the wildly use of the Injection Grout on engineering. At the present it mainly embodies the cement material, the clay material , the soluble glass material and so on. Now, we requires the material which has good capability than before.It is our universal task to find the new grouting material which must have such characteristic: cheaper, no pollution, better infiltration, the high concretion strength, gelatin time in control and construct easily. Numerous graduate schools have made some achievements on the new grouting materials, but it is little which targets the acidic soluble glass. We should do some research about it in a deep lever. The main content and conclusions are as follow:The author have done some experiments to research the gelatin time about the serum and clarify the gelatin time in different conditions. Author have made some futherly analysis about the factors which affect the gelatin time and the reasons why the adjustment of the gelatin time is limited.The author have done some experiments about the consolidation strength of the serum. According to the date of experiments, the author can seize the consolidation strength in different mix and age, and present the relation between it and time at one time.The author have made some other experiments to research the capability of the serum. Basing on the integrated characteristic of the serum and the experience on engineering, the author make some appropriate conjecture about the applied area: the reinforce of the sand stratum, accounting for the speedway harm and serum-jetting process in project.According the capability of the serum, the author make detailed the grouting technology design ,for the reinforce of sand stratum. The design includes the source of the calcium carbonate, the details that we should pay attention to when we make the serum in building site, how to use the CO2 which is produced when the serum is made and the technic for inspecting the injection effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU472
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】671

