

【作者】 顾九华

【导师】 侯振挺;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 概率论与数理统计, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 可靠性系统的可靠性是可靠性研究中一个非常重要的内容,本文在已有的可修系统可靠性研究成果的基础之上,对一些特殊的串联可修系统进行了分析和讨论:1)讨论了经典的n部件串联可修系统的可靠性。2)进一步分析了部件不能够立即被修理的n部件串联系统的可靠性,即当系统出现故障时,修理工需要等待一段时间,才能进入修理状态,并且不同的部件,故障以后的等待修理时间服从不同的一般分布,本文主要利用更新过程理论,讨论了系统的可靠度,可用度,首次故障时间和(0,t]时间内的系统平均故障次数等可靠性指标。3)讨论了修理工有兼职的n部件串联可修系统的可靠性。通过使用补充变量法,向量马尔可夫过程方法和拉普拉斯变换工具,讨论了系统的瞬时可用度和稳态可用度,以及在(0,t]时间内的系统平均故障次数和稳态故障频度,得到了系统的主要可靠性指标的拉普拉斯变换表达式,并进行了系统的效益分析,分析了何时应该鼓励修理工兼职,何时应限制兼职。4)现实情形中,部件的故障可能有多种,本文最后一章姑且假设部件的故障只有两种类型,把它分为轻故障和重故障两种,从而使得串联部件的模型进一步完善。应用概率分析和补充变量法,求得了系统一些重要的可靠性指标。

【Abstract】 Reliability of the reliability system is a very important element of reliability study. On the basis of the research of repairable reliability system, this paper attempts to analyze and discuss some special series of repairable systems.1) Analysis on the classical series of repairable reliability of the system.2) This paper further analyzes n Series reliability of the system components which can not be repaired immediately, that is the repairman can not repair immediately, and to wait for a period of time, This paper mainly uses this update process theory to discuss reliability indices such as the system reliability, availability, the first failure MTTFF time, the average time of the system fault frequency in the time of (0, t], etc.3) This paper also discusses the part-time repairman with n components series repairable system reliability. Through the use of supplementary variables, methods of Markov process and vector Lap Lace Transform, this paper discusses the system instantaneous availability and steady availability, and (0, t] time in the system and the average number of faults fault steady frequency, and concludes that the main indicators of reliability is the Lap lace transform expression. This paper also discusses the effectiveness of the system.4) In the course of the discussion above, we only hypothesize one component of the fault, but in real life, there are many component failures. In order to make up for the lack of discussion above, and to facilitate the discussion, let us assume that there are only two components of fault. It is divided into light and heavy ones. A series of components model will be further perfected, closer to reality, and also has more real value. Probability and supplementary variable are still the main method of analysis, by which we can obtain all the important reliability indicators in the system

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】O213.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】115

