

【作者】 王鹏

【导师】 杨开湘;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 社会的安定和谐是我国当前最大的目标。一个和谐的社会,经济的发达和文化的发展固然重要,但是最重要的应当是安定的秩序,能够保证人民安居乐业的秩序。因此,打击犯罪,维护治安是保证这一目的实现的有力手段和措施。目前我国违法犯罪的人员构成中,刑释解教人员占据了相当的比例,而且他们的再犯罪往往呈现出恶性化、集团化、犯罪手段成熟化等特征,一些大案要案的主犯大多是刑释解教人员。这俨然构成了对社会治安和人民生命财产安全的重大威胁,应当对其进行严厉的打击;然而,任何社会现象背后总是由多种综合因素造成的,如果只是一味的强调打击,往往难以起到降低刑释解教人员再犯罪率的效果。“川壅而溃,伤人必多;是故为川者,决之使导”。正如治水一般,筑坝堵水只能起一时之效,却埋藏下了一个重大的隐患,只有疏浚河道,使之排入江河湖海,才能从根本上解决问题。现实中,我们经常忽视对刑释解教人员再犯罪的内在原因分析,忽视在立法上对这种现象进行规制和对刑释解教人员进行保护,忽视在实践中对刑释解教人员的帮扶和改造。面对日益严峻的刑释解教人员再犯罪问题,必须采取防治相结合的办法,对刑释解教人员再犯罪的原因加以深刻分析,找出问题的关键并制定相应的改革措施;对刑释解教人员加以正确引导,让他们能够重新树立正确的世界观和人生观;对刑释解教人员加以有效帮扶,让他们的再次融入社会的过程更加顺利;对刑释解教人员的改造过程和措施进行反思,找出我国在对违法犯罪人的矫正进程中存在的问题,并制定相应对策;探讨建立复权制度和前科消灭制度的可行性和具体制度的运行机制,对刑释解教人员加以立法保护,让他们能够在再社会化过程中避免很多障碍和歧视。

【Abstract】 To establish a stable and harmonious society is the current largest goal of China. In a harmonious society, although the development of economic and cultural is important, but the most important thing should be the stability and orders that ensure the orderliness of people’s daily life and work. Therefore, so as to achieve this objective, combating crime and maintaining order, this has a powerful means and measures to ensure that. The Convicts Released from Imprisonment and the person out of the education-through-labor program staff (CRI&POETL) occupy a considerable proportion at the present crimes of China, and they often recidivism vicious crime, groups, criminal means such as mature characteristics, some major cases of the culprits are mostly committed by the CRI&POETL staff. This seems to constitute a great threaten to the social order and the safety of people’s lives and property, it should be crack down. However, in any society there are always a variety of combinations of factors behind. If we always emphasis the attack to them, it is difficult to reduce play the recidivism rate among CRI&POETL staff in effect.As for flood control, dam water shutoff can only act as a temporary effect, but buried a major hidden danger. So, only dredge the river to the sea into the rivers, lakes and sea, that in order to solve the problem fundamentally. In fact, we often overlook the CRI&POETL staff to the underlying causes of crime and neglect in the Legislative Council on this phenomenon, and the CRI&POETL personnel protection, ignored the remedy & helping and supporting the transformation of the CRI&POETL staff in practice. Faced with the increasingly serious problem of recidivism, we must take some actions to prevent and deal with a combination of approaches, analysis the in-depth reasons of the recidivism by the CRI&POETL staff and formulate corresponding measures. the CRI&POETL staff should be correct guide to enable them to re-establish a correct world outlook and outlook on life; the CRI&POETL staff should be effective in remedy & helping, so that their process of re-integration into society will be more smoothly; we must take some reconsiderations on the transforms and the carried-measure process; We must corrected the problems that exist in the process of the remedy & helping, and to develop an appropriate countermeasures; engage the legislation protect of the CRI&POETL staff to , so that they can avoid many obstacles and discrimination during the re-socialization process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】540

