

【作者】 彭连刚

【导师】 刘咏梅;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 据相关统计资料显示,我国电子商务人才正面临着这样的尴尬:一方面市场需要量大,另一方面每年上万名的电子商务专业毕业生就业率仅为20%,远远低于全国大学生就业平均水平。而学生专业能力较差,不能满足企业需求,是电子商务专业毕业生滞销的主要原因之一。电子商务的特性决定了互联网是该专业不可或缺的工具,这也使得学生接触互联网的机会明显高于其它专业学生,而互联网对大学生发展的积极和消极影响已被广泛证实。因此,了解电子商务专业学生的网络行为偏好与专业能力之间的关系,探索不同上网行为对该专业学生专业能力的影响,从而规范学生的网络行为,提高专业能力,具有现实意义。本研究在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,采用自编的电子商务专业学生网络行为偏好的测量量表,对775名电子商务专业大学生进行施测,发现该专业学生网络行为主要包括五种类型:网络游戏、商务经营、网络技术、信息获取、休闲娱乐;然后采用自编的电子商务专业学生专业能力测量量表,对839名电子商务专业大学生进行了施测,发现该专业学生专业能力主要包括四种类型:网络应用、网站建设、网络营销、电子交易。在此基础上,建立了电子商务专业学生网络行为偏好与专业能力之间关系的结构方程模型,实证研究结果表明网络游戏偏好和休闲娱乐偏好除了对网络应用能力有较弱的正向影响外,对其他能力均有负面影响,特别是对网络营销能力和电子交易能力的负面影响应该引起高度重视;网络技术偏好对网络应用能力和网站建设能力的正向影响最大,商务经营偏好对网络营销能力和电子交易能力的正向影响最为显著;信息获取偏好对四种能力的影响程度基本相当,均达到中等程度的正向显著水平。

【Abstract】 The human resource market in China shows that although the demand for talents in E-business is large, the graduate’s employment rate is only 20% among ten thousand students major in E-Business each year. The main reason is that the students’ professional abilities can not meet the requirements of enterprises. Since Internet is an indispensable tool to E-Business, students in this major use Internet more often than others. Researches show that different behaviors of university students on Internet cause significant different impact on their emotion, network associate, ethics, personality tendency and study achievement.In order to explore the relation between online behavior preferences and professional abilities, a conception model of online behavior preference and its impacts on professional abilities for students in undergraduate E-Business is built, a survey has been done among undergraduates in E-Business in several universities. The structure equation model is used to analysis the influence degree of each online behavior preferences on professional abilities and the influence among professional abilities. Online behavior preference including five factors: Internet game, business activities, network technology, information retrieval, entertainment; the professional abilities including four factors: network application, website construction, network marketing and electronic trade. The result implies, Internet game preference and entertainment preference have a negative effect on network marketing ability and electronic trade ability, which should be seriously considered. Network technology preference has the dominant-positive influence on network application ability and website construction ability. Business activities preference has the most significant positive influence on network marketing ability and electronic trade ability. And information retrieval preference has approximately the same positive influences on all kinds of abilities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F713.36-4;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】529

