

The Study on System Construction of Chinese Criminal Reconciliation

【作者】 张泉山

【导师】 汪振江;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 如何在刑事司法体系内既保护被害人的利益,又可以达到使加害人改过自新、复归社会的理想目的,是现今各国刑事政策领域面临的一个富有挑战性的课题。20世纪70年代,西方学者在对这一问题的研究中,提出了刑事和解的理论,使被害人和加害人在刑事纠纷发生后,能够直接商谈,解决纠纷,既有效地保护了被害人的利益、恢复被破坏的社会关系,又加速了加害人复归社会。随后,这一理念在世界范围内传播并且产生了多种实践模式。随着全球法律文化交流的加速以及国内和谐社会建设的深入进行,刑事和解制度逐渐进入了我国学者和公权力机关的视野。对刑事和解制度的理论研究和尝试成为当前我国刑事法学界和司法实务部门探讨的热点问题。在传统刑事法学理论中,公诉权、审判权、刑罚权都是典型的公权力,当事人以和解的方式解决刑事纠纷显然使公权力受到了挑战,因此,刑事和解的适用仍然存在许多争议。但是在实践中,以刑事和解解决刑事纠纷却以各种不同的形式存在着,尤其是在我国构建和谐社会的时代背景下,有关刑事和解的尝试也在全国各地区进行着。对于这种缺乏法律规制却又具有实践基础的纠纷解决方式,我们既不能以没有法律依据为由简单否定,也不能任由其自由发展,而是应该对其进行认真的研究。因为刑事和解作为一种新型的刑事案件处理机制,在全世界范围内的确立和发展表明了它具有顽强的生命力,同时也体现了其优越的制度内涵和价值追求,而且从国内外的实践经验来看,刑事和解对于解决轻微刑事案件、有效化解社会矛盾、更好地维护被害人的权益具有重要的现实价值。但是不容忽视的是刑事和解在许多国家的实践以及我国近几年的试用中暴露出了一些问题,为我国引入此项制度带来困惑和挑战。因此,只有对其进行深入的研究,并且进行有效的法律规制以及构建完善的制度体系,才能克服此项制度的缺陷和不足、解决人们对于刑事和解制度的隐忧,使其更好地发挥解决纠纷的功能。本文总共分三个部分。第一部分介绍了刑事和解的概念、基础以及其与刑法基本原则的契合;第二部分通过介绍刑事和解在我国的试用情况和特点,指出我国存在适用刑事和解的可行性,同时肯定它的积极效果,也指出了实践中存在的阻力和问题;第三部分重点阐述了刑事和解制度在我国的构建,包括体系构建、模式选择、和解协议以及在刑事诉讼中的具体适用四个方面的内容,希望能够描画出刑事和解制度在我国实现的图景。

【Abstract】 The practical problem for individual country’s criminal policy is how to protect the victims’ interest, resume the damaged social relationship and meanwhile make offenders start with a clean slate so as to help them return to society. In the 1970s, western scholars put forward the criminal reconciliation theory, in which after occurrence of criminal dispute between victim and offender, they could directly consult with each other so as to settle the dispute, thus, on one hand effectively protect the victim’s interest and resume the damaged social relationship, on the other hand, accelerate offender’s return to society. Subsequently, this theory was spread all over the world which brought about a variety of practice modes. Due to speedy communication of global legal cultural and the more significant construction of harmonious society, the criminal reconciliation theory began to be noticed by scholars, legislature and judicial organs of China. Discussion on theory and practice of the criminal reconciliation theory is considered as a heated topic in criminal law and judicial practice.Since, in traditional criminal law theory, public prosecution, jurisdiction and penalty fall within public power, settlement of criminal disputes through reconciliation is an obvious challenge to public power; therefore, the application of the criminal reconciliation is much disputed. However, settlement of criminal disputes through criminal reconciliation appears in different ways in practice, and especially many attempts with respect to criminal reconciliation occur all over the country under the construction of harmonious society. As to this dispute settlement method which is in lack of legal regulation but with a solid practice basis, we can’t simply negate and let it be; however, should study it seriously. The criminal reconciliation, as a new mechanism handling with criminal cases, shows its strong vitality as well as its superior institutional connotation and value pursuit with its establishment and development all over the world and from the point of view of practice, has much practical value in settling minor criminal cases, effectively solving social contradictions and better safeguarding victims’ interest. However, it is a not neglectable fact that some problems occurred in practice in many countries and in recent trials in China, which results in puzzles and challenge for bringing in this system. Accordingly, only through digging into it and imposing effective legal regulation on it and constructing a perfect system, can we overcome limitation and deficiency of it and bettering its role in settling disputes.This dissertation consists of three parts. Part one is an introduction to concept and theory basis of the criminal reconciliation; Part two through an analysis of its trials in China and its characteristics, points out its application feasibility in China, meanwhile, affirms its positive effect and points out resistance and problems in its practice; Part three focuses on its construction in China, including system construction, choice of pattern, reconciliation agreement as well as its application in criminal litigation, so as to show its prospect of realization in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】227

