

The Study on Civil Liability of Environmental Torts

【作者】 王莉芸

【导师】 周桂党;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 环境侵权民事责任,是指行为人因污染和破坏环境导致他人受到损害而承担的民事法律后果,其具有两个方面的特点:环境侵权民事责任是适用无过错责任的特殊侵权责任和环境侵权责任的不可归责性。受环境侵权行为特征的决定,环境侵权民事责任的构成具有特殊性,这些特殊性表现为:“非法性”要件被突破、“损害结果”拓宽为“损害结果或存在可能造成损害结果的危险”、“确定性因果关系”转变为“盖然性因果关系”。不可抗力、第三人过错和受害人的自身责任是我国环境法规定的免责事由,其中受害人的自身责任可以分为三种情况:受害人的故意、受害人的重大过失、受害人的一般过失。以无过错责任为视角对其进行分析,不可抗力、受害人的故意、受害人的重大过失可以成为环境侵权民事责任的免责事由,而第三人的过错和受害人的一般过失不具有环境侵权民事责任免责效力。排除危害和赔偿损失是环境法规定的环境侵权民事责任的承担方式。排除危害的责任形式之下,应增加“部分排除危害”和“代替排除危害的赔偿”。对环境侵权行为造成的物质损害要贯彻全面赔偿的原则,赔偿的范围包括直接损失、间接损失和可得利益,而且要对其造成的精神损害予以赔偿,并且要建立与无过错责任相适应的社会赔偿机制和惩罚性损害赔偿制度。

【Abstract】 Civil liability of environmental torts refers to a civil liability that may be caused by the doers who contribute to environmental pollution or other damages to the environment and therefore endanger people’s life, health, property and Environmental Rights. It has two characteristics that it applys no-fault-liability and can not to find the liability bearer. There are some particularities of the structure of Environment tort civil liability, which depend on the features of environmental tort. Force majeure, fault of third party and the responsibilities of victim are exemption excuses of tort liability. The responsibilities of victim can be divided into three kinds: itention of victims, gross negligence and general negligence. And it is ruled by environmental law. In the author’s opinion, force majeure, itention of victims and gross negligence can be exemption excuses of tort liability while fault of a third party and general negligence can not be. Elimination of danger and compensation for loss are the ways of undertaking about civil liability of environmental torts. Complete compensation principle should be used in dealt with material damages caused by environmental tort. Compensation for losses includes direct loss, indirect loss, prospect interest and spiritual damage. And the social compensation system and punitive damages system should be established.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D923;D922.68
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】243

