

The Study of Vetting Procedure of the Case-filing of the Civil Retrial

【作者】 徐臻艳

【导师】 贾登勋;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 民事再审立案审查程序,是指人民法院依照民事诉讼法的规定,对民事再审申请进行审查处理,并决定其是否进入再审的一种司法程序。近年来,随着民事审判监督制度和审判方式改革的深入,以及再审“立审分立”的推行,民事再审立案审查程序存在的问题也逐渐暴露了出来。特别是民事诉讼法修正案的通过及颁布实施,再审立案审查程序也再一次受到了关注。修正案虽然在很大程度上规范了民事再审立案审查程序,但是该程序仍存在许多问题,突出表现为:再审启动主体多元化;审查模式不统一:审查程序不规范。导致上述弊端的因素,主要有以下四个方面:(一)“客观真实、有错必纠”理念的指导;(二)职权主义诉讼模式的影响;(三)司法独立程度的不足;(四)立法上的空白。这些弊端致使该程序处于无序、随意和失范的状态,严重损害了当事人的合法权益,影响了司法公正,破坏了司法权威。因此,民事再审立案审查程序的构建和完善不仅是解决其自身目前存在问题的现实要求,也是实现司法公正的需要。笔者采用理论联系实际和比较研究的方法,通过分析当前我国理论界和实务界对上述问题的研究成果和改革经验,借鉴国外有关立法规定和理论依据,并结合3个多月的立案庭实习经验,提出了一系列完善民事再审立案审查程序的具体构想。首先,应该确立如下基本原则:法律真实、依法纠错原则;有限原则;公开原则和诉访分立原则。其次,应该重构民事再审程序的启动主体。因为不同的启动主体,会导致不同的审查处理方式。笔者认为:现阶段应该取消法院的再审启动主体资格;保留和规范检察院的再审抗诉权;强化当事人的主体地位,建立再审之诉。再次,应规范立卷受理和立案审查两个阶段。特别是立案审查阶段,这是完善民事再审立案审查程序的关键环节。对于这一阶段,笔者从审查内容、审查模式、审查组织、审查方式、审查范围和次数以及审查后的处理等六方面进行设计改造。另外,还对再审立案审查预收费制度进行了一定探索。通过采取上述具体措施,笔者希望建立一套科学、合理、操作性强的民事再审立案审查程序,使之既能维护人民法院正确裁判的既判力,又能充分保护当事人的合法权益。

【Abstract】 The vetting procedure of the case-filing of the civil retrial means that the people’s court censored the application of the civil retrial, according to Civil Procedural Law and decided whether the retrial should be carried out. Recently, with the development of the system for trial supervision and the reform of trial mode, as well as the introduction of the separating reception from retrial, problems in the vetting procedure of the case-filing of the civil retrial gradually expose to the public. Especially, with the pass and implementation of Amendment of Civil Procedural Law, the procedure received more attention from the public.The Amendment ruled this procedure largely, but there were still many problems, which especially in the following aspects. The subject of initiating the procedure of the civil retrial is diversification, and the patterns of the examination aren’t unified, and the procedure of the examination isn’t standard. There were a lot of reasons which lead to these drawbacks. The main reasons were the principle of ’to seek truth from facts, to rectify whenever is mistakes’, the influence by the mode of the state authority, the deficiency of the judicial independence and the legal vacancy. These drawbacks leaded to the vetting procedure of the case-filing of the civil retrial in a state of disorder, random and anomie, so the litigants’ lawful rights are severely damaged as well as the justice. Therefore, the construction and perfecting of the procedure was not only the need of solving its problems, but also the need of the justice.In this thesis, adopting the theory associated with reality and the method of the comparative research, and analyzing the achievements and experience form our theoretical and practical circles, the author put forward a series of concreted thoughts on constructing the vetting procedure of the case-filing of the civil retrial meanwhile the author made the reference to the relevant abroad regulations and theories and based on the court practical experience for more than three months.At first, we should establish the basic principles as follows, that is, the principle of lawful reality and rectify mistakes according to law, the limited principle, the open principle, the principle of accepting any case of litigating and the principle of separation of the complaint-handling work and the appeal. Secondly, the subject of initiating the procedure of the civil retrial should be reconstructed, because the different subjects would lead to different methods of examination. The author thought that the court’s initiating qualification should be canceled, the rights of the procuratorate for the protesting should be remained and standardized and that the status of the litigants’ should be strengthened. Thirdly, the reception and examination of appeal should be standardized. Especially the stage of the examination, it was the essential linking of perfecting the procedure of the registered examination of the civil retrial. For this aspect, the author designed the alteration ways from the content, the mode, the organization, the method and range of the examination. Besides, the author explored the system of the pre-charge for the case-filing examination of the civil retrial. Through formulating the above measures, the author hoped to establish the scientific, reasonable and operable procedure of the civil retrial to make the procedure protect the validity of the right judgments and the lawful rights of the litigants.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】217

