

Means to Demythologize: On Intertextuality in Angela Carter’s Short Stories

【作者】 雷丽

【导师】 袁洪庚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 英国女作家安吉拉·卡特自称“解神话的人”。她毕生致力于对各类神话的本质及其运作形式的探究和解构,特别关心男性神话对女性本质的界定,以西方为中心的神话对其他文化的界定,以及白人神话对有色人种的界定。在卡特的众多作品中,她摒弃了被人们普遍接受并认为是理所当然的经验,赋予那些被迫沉默的人理智而多彩的生命,使他们自由地发表观点。卡特综合运用多种方式表达自己的解神话思想,尤其擅长使用互文性技巧。在作品中,卡特主要应用了四种互文手法,它们分别是:引用、暗指、戏仿和拼贴。本文深入讨论了卡特的三类互文性短篇小说。在第一类小说中,她重述了传统的欧洲童话和民间故事,并为它们注入了现代意义。在第二类小说中,她改写了一些闻名于世的经典作品。被改写的作品里既有文学名著,也有其他形式的艺术精品,甚至包括哲学、心理学等方面的理论著作。第三类小说是卡特对历史人物和历史事件的再定义和再阐释。通过对传统作品、理论和观念的解构,卡特试图建立一种折衷主义的世界观。这种世界观可以包容和接纳一切思想,甚至是那些截然相反的观点。每种观点都有了立足之地,可以和其他思想平等地交流,不再有绝对的正确之分和真伪之分。卡特认为任何界限都是可以逾越的,一切都是流动的和易变的。本文进一步指出,一方面,互文性在卡特的解神话尝试中发挥了重要的作用,增强了她的作品的魅力;另一方面,互文性限制了卡特的想象力。多重互文的运用也加大了读者的阅读困难。

【Abstract】 Angela Carter is a self-claimed "demythologizer," who is engaged in the shattering of myths, especially the male myth about the female, the Western-center myth about other cultures, and the white myth about the colored. By rejecting universally accepted experience and equipping silenced people with a reasonable and diversified life history, Carter invites them to voice their own opinions. She embodies her demythologization in different ways, the technology of intertextuality in particular. There are four types of intertextual devices mainly used in Carter’s fiction: quotation, allusion, parody, and collage.In this thesis, the present author examines three sets of Carter’s intertextual rewritings. The first set includes her retellings of classic European fairy tales or folklores; the second set is her re-readings of a number of famous extant manuscripts; the last is her reconstructions of many historical legends.Through deconstructing conventional works, accepted theories and principles, Carter tries to build the eclectic world view, which contains and accepts various thoughts, even these entirely different ideas. Every idea can equally communicate with others and there is no absolute right or wrong. In Carter’s mind, any boundary can be overstepped and the life is flowing and changeable.The present author further points out that on one hand, intertextuality plays an important role in Carter’s demythologizing attempts and enhances the charm of her works; on the other hand, it limits Carter’s imagination and multi-referential relations also cause obstacles to the process of reading.

【关键词】 安吉拉·卡特互文性解神话
【Key words】 Angela Carterintertextualitydemythologize
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】634

