

On the Improvement of the System of Identification

【作者】 闫帅

【导师】 刘艺工;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的飞速发展,诉讼涉及到越来越多的科技领域,物理的、化学的、生物的、医学的,而且在社会分工越来越细化,各行各业专业性也非常的明显,各种各样的科学或者说专业问题摆在了法官的面前。法官、律师等都只是法律方面的专家,而非全才,对专业性很强的问题他们无所适从。这就需要一种主体帮助法官来了解涉及科学问题的案件事实,因此专家证人应运而生。在英美法系国家称为专家证人,在大陆法系国家称为鉴定人。他们凭自身的专业知识对专门技术问题发表意见或作出结论,以此来帮助法官正确了解各种专门性问题,弥补法官学识和经验的不足,帮助法官发现真实,实现裁判的公正性。因此,专家证人和鉴定人在证据规则中起着极为重要的作用,对实现公正与效率的诉讼价值具有积极意义。但是专家证人和鉴定人都有着自身难以克服的缺陷,大陆法系国家和英美法系国家渐渐将这两种制度相互融合,取长补短,以完善自己的专家证人制度或者鉴定人制度。本文通过对鉴定人制度现状的检讨,分析我国鉴定人制度的种种缺陷,尤其是功能上面的以及法庭质证机制的缺失。然后通过对英美法系国家专家证人制度利弊分析,说明在我国引进专家证人制度是选择性的。最后提出自己的一些想法,在我国建立两种主体,以鉴定人为核心专家证人作辅助的二元结构,并且对两种制度的相关规定予以完善。本文具体通过比较分析和案例分析的研究方法,归纳和分析了英美法系国家专家证人和大陆法系国家鉴定人制度,对专家证人和鉴定人职能(法律)属性及其诉讼地位进行了界定,并对专家证人和鉴定人的资格、义务及其法律责任及证据质证和采信原则等内容进行了比较详细的论述,同时本文阐述英美专家证人制度自身存在的尚未解决的矛盾。本文在对英美专家证人制度进行了比较详细的分析、论述和研究的基础上,采用了比较法的方法以及规范分析的方法,对我国类似的鉴定制度的现状进行了分析,通过与专家证人制度的对比,指出了我国鉴定制度存在的不足并且根据对专家证人制度的研究,提出了解决我国鉴定制度的改革思路。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of science and technology, more and more litigation related to the field of science and technology, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, but also in the social division of labor is increasingly refined, professional businesses are very obvious, kind of a variety of scientific or professional problems facing the front of the judges. Judges, lawyers, and so is a legal experts in the field, rather than dance expert, on the issue of highly professional them at a loss. This requires a judge to help understand the main scientific issues related to the facts of the case, expert witnesses have emerged. In common law countries known as an expert witness in the civil law countries called experts. With their own specialized technical expertise on the issue to express their views or conclusions, in order to enable a judge to a proper understanding of a variety of specialized issues, the judge make up for lack of knowledge and experience to help judges found true, the fairness of the realization of a magistrate. Therefore, the expert witnesses and experts in the rules of evidence plays a very important role in the achievement of justice and efficiency of the proceedings is of positive significance. However, expert witnesses and experts have a difficult to overcome their own shortcomings, civil law countries and common law countries gradually integration of these two systems from each other to improve their own expert witnesses system or expert system. Based on the identification system, the status of the review, analysis of the system of identification of the various deficiencies, especially the above functions and the courts Testimony mechanism defect. Then on the common law system of the country in the pros and cons of expert witnesses, the introduction of expert witnesses in our system is optional. Finally some of the ideas put forward its own in the country’s two main established to identify expert witnesses for the human core of the dual-structure support, and to the relevant provisions of the two systems to be perfect.This paper specifically through standardized analysis and the analysis of the case study method, summary and analysis of the anglo-American system of expert witnesses, expert witnesses functions (Legal) attributes and define the status of the proceedings, and the qualifications of expert witnesses, the parties hire / selection of expert witnesses rights and restrictions, expert witnesses and legal responsibilities and ob ligations of expert evidence Testimony and believe the content of the principles described in detail, this paper BAR expert witness system of their own unresolved conflicts. In this paper, the Anglo-American system of expert witnesses more detailed analysis, and research discussed on the basis of the comparison method used standardized methods and the analysis of the method, the identification of a similar system for the analysis of the status quo, with the expert witness system Contrast that our identification system and the lack of systems based on the research of expert witnesses, identified by the resolution of China’s reform of the systems of ideas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D925
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】116

