

On Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

【作者】 余黎博

【导师】 汪振江;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网在人们生活中的地位日益提高特别是电子商务的蓬勃发展越来越多的企业利用互联网进行商业活动,网络空间已经成为具有现代思维的企业家的必争之地。在这场商战中,首先面临的问题就是要在互联网上注册自己的域名,域名纠纷相伴而生。作为最常见的冲突表现形式之一的商标与域名纠纷中,以往我们讨论最多的是域名持有人抢注商标权人的商标,而很少论及商标对域名的反向抢注。反向抢注是指商标权人对他人域名的抢夺。这种现象虽然不如域名抢注频繁,但近年来有上升的趋势,并且给企业造成很大的损失,如何处理呢?目前各国关于两者的冲突解决并无专门的法律规定,实践中多以商标法进行解决,但这种解决方法往往注重对商标权人利益的保护,而忽视了对域名所有人利益的保护。现有的司法解释和司法实践也是更多地倾向于保护商标权人的利益。但是,域名是一种新类型的知识产权,是一种独立的知识产权客体,是地域空间上的知识产权在网络空间的自然延伸,其注册是独一无二的、不可重复的,由于域名注册人在注册域名时,往往为使域名具有吸引力以便公众熟知,而将具有文字含义的商业性标记、商号、创造性的字母组合注册为域名,故域名的构思和选择,需要一定的创造性劳动,其是一种智力成果。同时,在网络经济环境下,由于域名可以代表域名注册人在网络上独有的位置,也是域名注册人的产品、服务范围、形象、商誉等的综合体现,其所具有的商业意义已远远大于其技术意义,而成为域名注册人在新的科学技术条件下参与国际市场竞争的重要手段,故域名又是域名注册人的一种无形资产。域名持有人对自己在互联网上依法注册登记的域名所享有的权利就是域名权,这种权利应该在法律当中予以明确规定,对于商标权人反向抢注域名的行为应予以禁止。应该公平、公正地对待两者的冲突,既要保护商标权人的专有权,又不能忽视域名注册人的合法权利,平衡好二者之间的利益关系,慎重地将对商标的保护扩大到网络空间,更不能无条件的对商标进行绝对保护。在解决域名纠纷案时,兼顾域名持有人和商标权人的利益,在冲突中寻求平衡,达到共赢。本文共分四个部分:第一部分主要介绍了域名及其管理机构;第二部分归纳了域名反向抢注的类型;第三部分分析了域名反向抢注的根本原因,并论述了域名作为一种新类型的知识产权,应该受到法律保护,确立域名权是正确处理域名反向抢注的前提;第四部分阐述了商标人不得进行域名反向抢注的理由,以及禁止域名反向抢注的法律基础,提出了一些解决域名反向抢注的措施并对域名反向抢注的立法提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 As the internet become more and more important in our daily life, particularly the flourishing of e-commerce, more and more people use the internet to conduct business activities, cyberspace has became a battleground for entrepreneurs. First of all, the problems facing in the battleground is to register your domain name, then followed by domain name disputes. One of the most common conflict is that the disputes between trademarks and domain name. In the past, we usually discussed is that domain name holder snatch trademarks, and rarely addressed the reverse domain name hijacking. Reverse domain name hijacking means that trademarks’ holder snatch the domain name. Although this phenomenon is not more than that the domain name holder to snatch trademarks, it is increasing day after day. It make the enterprises get a lot of loss. How to deal with it? At present, there are no countries have special legal provisions to resolve the conflict. In practice,they use the trademarks law to resolve it, but this method is often focused on the interests of trademarks, and pay no attion to the interests of domain name. At the same time ,existing judicial interpretation and judicial practice more inclined in protecting the interests of the trademarks. However, the domain name is a new type of intellectual property, it is an independent object of intellectual property. It is the intellectual property in the geographical space naturally extend in the internet.The domain names is unique ,can not duplicate. When the domain name holder register the domain name. They tend to make the domain name attractively. The progress need a certain degree of creative work. It is a kind of intellectual achievements. At the same time,in the economic environment of the network,domain name not only can represent a unique position,it is also stand for products, services, image, and the overall expression of goodwill,its great commercial significance far more than its technical sense .It has became a important way to participate in the international market competition under the conditions of the new science and technology. So it is a intangible assets belongs to the domain name holder. The domain name holder can get the interest from the domain name. and the interest that the domain name holder can get is the domain name’s right . This right should be clear expressed in the law.The reverse domain name hijacking should be banned. The conflict should be treated fairly, it is necessary to protect the trademarks ,but domain name should not be ignore .We should balance the interests of domain name holder and the trademarks owner. Carefully extend trademarks’right to cyberspace.Make sure it can not get the absolute protection. When we resolving domain name disputes, the domain name holder and the trademarks omner right should be take into account at the same time. Seek balance in the conflict, to achieve a win-win situation.This article mainly has four parts: the first part, introduces the domain name and its administration; The second part, summarizes the types of the reverse domain name hijacking ; The third part, analysis the reason of the reverse domain name hijacking .I think the domain name is a new type of intellectual property, it should be protected by the law, to establish domain name right is the first step to correctly handle the reverse domain name hijacking; The fourth part , show the reason that trademarks owner should not do the reverse domain name hijacking .At the same time, analysis the legal basis of prohibiting the reverse domain name hijacking. Give some measures to resolving the reverse domain name hijacking and proposed some legislative about the reverse domain name hijacking.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】128

