

Violence Assaulting Police Officers and Its Prevention

【作者】 景志毅

【导师】 刘艺工;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 警察是拥有武装和特殊强制手段的国家行政力量。警察作为公民的忠诚卫士,通过打击违法犯罪活动,营造了一个稳定的社会治安环境。同时,警察为完成自己的使命付出了沉重的代价,其中警察的人身安全问题越来越严重。近期许多暴力袭警案件被媒体报道,暴力袭警大有愈演愈烈的趋势。暴力袭警造成的后果是及其严重的,不仅是对警察个体的人身权利的伤害,更重要的是对整个社会的执法环境的破坏,对国家公权力的公然挑衅。笔者对这个课题的相关资料进行整理、分析,通过这种努力,以期发现一些值得推广的措施,希望能够有益于实践部门的工作。文章第一部分,通过对比相关的几个概念提出了暴力袭警的概念。然后对概念进行分析,得出暴力袭警的基本特点。再通过借鉴犯罪行为的构成要件理论,论述了暴力袭警行为的构成要件。最后,根据不同的标准对暴力袭警行为进行了分类。文章第二部分,笔者分析了暴力袭警发生的原因:基层公安机关存在的经费不足,装备不良;警务管理中的评价激励机制有不合理之处;警力不足,难以保证工作顺利完成;警察在执行公务时,对于法律赋予的强制手段没有合理的运用;许多基层警察素质较低,滥用职权;警察自我保护意识不能适应社会的发展;公安机关对地方黑恶势力的查处不力;违法分子犯罪活动的暴力化倾向日益加重;盘查权的规定存在漏洞;当前整个社会的法律意识还有待于培养,一个法治的社会氛围还没有形成,这是一个很漫长的过程。文章第三部分,笔者提出了一些对策来预防暴力袭警和减少不必要的伤亡,包括:建立警务活动的经费保障机制;加强对警察的教育培训;公安机关对于当地的黑恶势力要严厉打击;《刑法》中的妨害公务罪中关于阻碍警察执法的犯罪行为应从重处罚;进一步明确警察使用武器、警械的操作规定;在刑法中明确警察的职务防卫权受法律保护;基层党委和政府要严格限制警察参与非法定的警务活动;缓和社会矛盾;增强公民法律意识,加强法治宣传教育。

【Abstract】 Police are armed with special coercive means and the national administrative power. Police in China as citizens guards loyal through cracking down on illegal and criminal activities and create a stable social security environment for the progress of society. However, the police for their mission paid a heavy price for the personal safety of police officers is a growing problem. Assaulting a police officer many recent cases of violence by the media reports, violence has become increasingly the trend of assaulting a police officer. Violence caused by the behavior of assaulting a police officer and the serious consequences, not only for the personal rights of the individual police harm is more important to the law enforcement community as a whole environmental damage, the state public power flagrant provocation. The author on the subject related information collation, analysis, and through such efforts, found that some measures should be promoted, hoping to benefit practice the work of the department.The first part of the article: first by comparing the number of related concepts, put forward the concept of acts of violence assaulting a police officer. Then the concept of analysis, the characteristics of acts of violence assaulting a police officer. Then, through a draw on the elements of criminal behaviour, assaulting a police officer acts of violence on the composition of elements. Finally, the violence assaulting police officers to different standards are classified.The author of the second part of the causes of violence assaulting a police officer: grass-roots public security organs of the lack of funds, ill-equipped; police insufficient to ensure the smooth completion of the police in the implementation of official, entrusted by the law for compulsory means there is no reasonable use of the lower quality of many grass-roots police, abuse of power; police awareness of self-protection can not adapt to the development of society and the public security organs in the investigation and handling of these evil forces ineffective; lawbreakers criminal activities the tendency of increasing violence; China existing laws and regulations on police use of firearms and other weapons rather vague provisions; questioning the right of existence of loopholes. Activities too broad, and many police officers should not be implemented by local party official G organs to send to solve the whole community awareness of the law have yet to be training, a social atmosphere of the rule of law have not yet taken shape, this is a very long process.The third part of the authors put forward a number of measures to prevent violence assaulting a police officer and reduce unnecessary casualties, including: the establishment of the police mechanism to ensure funding for strengthening the education and training of the police and the public security organ for the local and evil forces crack down; Criminal Law; is an obstruction to the performance of official duties relating to hinder police enforcement of criminal acts should be punished severely, and further clear the police use of weapons, police gear operation; police in the Criminal Code clearly the duties of defense right protected by the law; grassroots party committees and governments should strictly limit for the police officers involved in illegal activities to ease social conflicts, increase citizen awareness of the law, strengthen the rule of law publicity and education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.14;D924.3
  • 【下载频次】1101

