

Establishment of Administrative Sanction Prescription System of China

【作者】 刘潺

【导师】 刘志坚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在行政权日益膨胀的今天,如何对其进行有效的监督和约束,是国内外行政法学界一直关注的一个焦点。西方发达国家利用行政程序来控制行政权的历史已经很长,并且效果显著。行政时效制度是行政程序法的一个重要组成部分,其研究价值不容忽视。本文研究的对象是行政处罚裁决时效制度。行政处罚裁决时效是行政处罚时效制度内容中的一部分,与行政处罚追诉时效、行政处罚执行时效共同隶属于行政处罚时效制度体系,它对于保护行政相对人的合法权利,限制行政主体的恣意和迟延作为,践行程序及时原则,完善行政程序法体系,实现法的价值具有重要意义。行政处罚裁决时效制度的理论研究在我国行政程序法研究中是一个薄弱环节,程序立法中还无相关规定,这种状况明显不利于行政处罚法的实施。本文以“杜宝良”案件为引述,同时结合其他典型案例,运用比较分析的方法,阐述了行政处罚裁决时效的理论背景和制度构建的必要性,在借鉴国外行政处罚裁决时效制度立法的基础上,对我国行政裁决时效制度设计提出初探性设想。文章共分为四个部分:引言中以2005年发生在我国的较有影响力的“杜宝良案”为例,引出有关我国行政处罚裁决时效制度构建的现实思考。第一部分,从行政处罚权力的性质和作用入手,着重介绍了行政处罚裁决时效的概念及构成要素,并从宏观、中观和微观的角度对行政处罚裁决时效制度的确立进行价值分析。第二部分,考察了国内外行政处罚裁决时效制度的立法现状,为我国该项制度的确立提供借鉴。第三部分,以行政处罚裁决时效的构成要素为线索,分别从时效期限的设计原则、期限长短、中止与中断事由、起算点以及法律后果等方面对我国行政处罚裁决时效制度构建提出建议。

【Abstract】 How to supervise and restrict the Executive power effectively, which has inflated day by day, had been a focus in the field of Administrative Law researching at home and abroad. History that the western country made use of administrative procedure to control the executive power has been already very long, and the result was remarkable. As an important part of Administrative Procedural Law, its value nature was not allowed to be neglected. The content this article studied was the administrative sanctions ruling prescription system. The administrative sanctions ruling prescription system was refers to that after discovering illegal activity, the subject of administrative must make a sanction in the legal time, otherwise, punishment is not allowed. It is one kind of the administrative sanctions prescription system, together with investigation prescription and the execution prescription which was belonged to the administrative sanctions prescription institutional framework. It was made a grate effort to protecting people’s right to know, limiting willful and delay achievement what administration subject do, and fulfilling the procedure prompt principle and realizing the value of procedure justice finally. The administrative sanctions prescription system’s research in our country was a weak link in administration procedural law field. At present, there was no comprehensive consummation theory discussion and the exhaustive elaboration of The Administrative Sanctions Prescription system in our country’s academic circle, either was relative legislation in our country.This article that took "The Du Baoliang Case" as an quotation, simultaneously unified other typical cases, utilized comparative analysis method together with the empirical analysis method, elaborated related theories and the necessity of system construction. By inspecting the situation of prescription legislation, this article concisely proposed concrete designs about administration ruling prescription system’s construction.The article divided into four parts, the preface and the main text altogether: In the preface, taking a influence case occurring in 2005 in our country -- "Du Baoliang case" as the example, drew out the reality ponder about administrative sanctions ruling prescription system construction.I . Obtained from the administrative sanctions authority nature, analyzed the related concept, the characteristic and the essential factor, and carried on the value analysis to the administrative sanctions ruling prescription system’s establishment from macroscopic, the intermediate perspective and the microscopic aspects.II. Through inspecting the overseas administrative sanctions ruling prescription system’s legislative situations, provided uses for reference for our country.III. Provide the suggestion about administrative sanctions ruling prescription’s legislations, from the principle of design, the deadline length, deadline ceasing with interrupts, beginning spot and legal consequences aspects and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】169

