

On the Application of the Law in Violating Safetyguards Obligations

【作者】 蒲光南

【导师】 刘光华;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,经营场所不安全,经营者、组织者未尽到合理限度范围内的注意义务所导致的侵害消费者人身、财产损害的案件屡有发生。对于这种新类型的侵权行为,已有《最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《解释》)第六条的明确规定,从而使得安全保障义务在我国法律中首次得到了确立,在法律适用上也有了初步的依据。但该解释对安全保障义务的法律性质未作明确界定,对构成违反安全保障义务侵权行为要件的规定也不明确,在法律适用时发生很大争议,往往出现同种性质案件不同判决结果的现象,致使受害人的合法权益得不到及时保障或根本得不到保障。本文旨在通过对一起典型的因违反安全保障义务而引发的人身损害赔偿案件的具体分析,试图为尚不完备的我国安全保障义务理论和司法审判实践中对此理论的运用提供一些有用的见解,进而为完善我国的侵权行为制度,为后续即将制定的侵权行为法提供有益的建议,使民众的合法权益得到更完善的保护。本文由绪论正文两部分组成。绪论大体上介绍了本文的写作背景及写作目的,正文由案例介绍、案例分析、案例启示三章组成。第一章案例介绍。本文选取了一起来源有据,案例真实,代表性强的典型人身损害赔偿案来引入安全保障义务的相关法律问题。第二章案例分析。本部分从法律实证主义分析路径出发对原、被告各方观点进行分析论证,从而对《解释》第六条作出符合现行法律制度下的正确解读,然后再以此为据对本案的法律适用作出评价。第三章案例启示。通过对案例的分析,试图为现有侵权法律理论和司法实践提供有益的建议。总之,本文力图在已有研究的基础上,立足于现有侵权法律制度,对我国的安全保障义务理论提供一些个人的见解并期望能在个体权利保护的司法实践中产生良好的效果。

【Abstract】 In recent years, there exists much insecurity for consumer in management site, because operators and organizers have not applied their obligation in their reasonable boundary. For the new violations action, the sixth item has clearly ordained in "The Supreme People’s Court hearing on the case of personal injury compensation law applicable to the interpretation of a number of issues". This law item about ensure-safety firstly has been established in China’s law, so there has primary proof for tortuous-action in law aspect. However, this explanation of the legal safeguards obligations have not been given a special boundary, and there have not defined the provision about important document of tortuous-action so as to there exists great dispute when the law is been applied.The paper analyses a typical person damage compensate case about tortuous-action, and the author of this paper tries to apply some usable opinions for the imperfection theory of ensure-safety obligation and practice of judicatory trial through analysis so that the paper can apply some good advice for perfecting and establishing law about tortuous-action in future so as to perfectly protect people’s legality rights. The paper includes introduction and test. The introduction has introduced the background and aim of this paper, and the test has included cases, case analysis, revelation.The Chapter I is case introduction. The paper choosed a reality ,strong representation and typical person damage compensate case about tortuous-action, and has bring forward ensure-safety obligation through analyzing this case..The Chapter II is case analysis. The paper has demonstrated the point of accuser and defendant through positivism in law. There has devised pretty view about the sixth item of "interpretation" of actual law system and appraised the applicability about the law item of this case.The Chapter III is case revelation. The author tries to apply some good advice for the actual theory of ensure-safety obligation and practice of judicatory trial through analysis so that the paper can apply some good advice for perfecting and establishing law about tortuous-action in future so as to perfectly protect people’s legality rights.In a word, the paper hopes to apply some good advice for perfecting and establishing law about tortuous-action in future so as to perfectly protect people’s legality rights.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【下载频次】132

