

A Study on the Relationship between USSR and China’s Xinjiang Province during the Anti-Fascist War

【作者】 洪丽萍

【导师】 汪金国;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆是中国西北边陲的一个重要自治区,新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,具有重要的战略地位。新疆由北到南与原苏联的俄罗斯、哈萨克、吉尔吉斯、塔吉克等加盟共和国毗邻,苏新共同边界长达2000多公里。由于双方边界线漫长,无论是清朝的新疆臣藩还是中华民国的新疆地方政府和俄国的关系,都与中国中央政府和俄国的关系有着极大的不同。本文在回顾历史的基础上,主要研究反法西斯战争时期(1931—1945年)苏联与中国新疆在政治、经济、军事等各个方面所形成的特殊关系,并且运用国际关系理论和方法分析形成这种特殊关系的原因。文章共分五个部分。第一部分:阐述本文的选题意义,研究现状,并对概念进行界定。第二部分:简要回顾历史上沙俄对新疆的入侵、掠夺以及民国初期杨增新、金树仁统治时期苏联与新疆不平等的经贸关系,从而反映苏联对新疆经济命脉的控制。第三部分:重点论述1933-1941年苏联与新疆的特殊同盟关系,苏联势力如何全面渗透到新疆的政治、经济、军事等各个方面,并审慎剖析这种特殊关系形成的原因。第四部分:详细阐述1942-1946年间苏新关系几经波折,从亲密同盟到关系破裂再逐渐修复的过程,并通过层次分析法来说明背后的原因。第五部分:得出本文的结论,反法西斯战争期间苏联与新疆的特殊关系虽达到了顶峰,然而新疆却幸免从中国分离出去,新疆的“独”而不“离”在很大程度上与世界反法西斯战争有关,欧洲战场的开辟使得苏联在新疆的影响甚至控制受到极大的削弱,同时为中国中央势力进驻新疆提供了机会。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang, an autonomous region, has maintained its prominence along the northwest frontier of China from the ancient time. Lying in the heartland of Euro-Asia Continent, Xinjiang has great strategic position. Adjacent to the former Soviet’s Russian Soviet Socialist Republic, Kazakstan Soviet Socialist Republic, Kirghizia Soviet Socialist Republic, Tajikistan Soviet Socialist Republic to the north and south, the new joint borderline lasts over 2,000 kilometers, all of which brought into existence a special relationship between Russian and China Central Government both in Qing Dynasty and in the period of Republic of China. The paper primarily takes a review over the relationship between Soviet Union and Xinjiang Province in history, especially during the anti-fascist wartime (from 1931 to 1945), containing the respects of politics, economy, and military affairs, and then research on the reasons inducing this special relationship based on the theory of international relationship.The paper contains five parts. The first part elaborates the essence of the study, the status quo and the definition of the concepts related. The second part gives a brief review of the Tsar Russia’s historical piliage towards Xinjiang Province and the unequal trade relations with Soviet Union in the reign of Yang Zengxin and Jin Shuren during the early Republic of China time, which reflects that Soviet Union had gained control of Xinjiang’s Economy at that time. The third part recounts the special confederate relationship between Soviet Union and Xinjiang, as well as how the Soviet Union has penetrated its influence into the respects of politics, economy, and military affairs of Xinjiang, and then deliberately looks into the reasons inducing this special relationship. The fourth part expounds how the USSR-Xinjiang relationship has gone through twists and turns with a process from confederation to breach and the eventual repair of the relations, and continues to explain the causes with the hierarchical analysis method. The fifth part is the conclusion. It clarifies that Xinjiang has survived as part of China’s territory despite the surging relationship with USSR during the anti-fascist war. Xinjiang’s status of being self-governing but not separate bears much relation to the world’s anti-fascist war as the USSR’s control over Xinjiang has been greatly undermined with the stage of warfare moving to the European Continent, thus providing a promising opportunity for Chinese CentralGovernment to take control of the Xinjiang area.

【关键词】 反法西斯战争苏联新疆
【Key words】 Anti-Fascist WarUSSRXinjiang
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】K265
  • 【下载频次】305

