

On Corporate Personality Right

【作者】 马晶晶

【导师】 刘艺工;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国政治、经济、文化的迅猛发展,法人在社会中的作用也越来越大,有关法人人格权问题也成为法学界关注的焦点,尤其对法人是否享有人格权以及对法人人格权的是否能适用非财产损害赔偿等问题一直争论不休,使得法人的人格权在现实中得不到全面有效的保护。针对以上问题,本文将从以下几个部分进行论述,从而提出对法人人格权保护的几点法律构想。本文除绪论外,共分为四个部分和结论。绪论部分主要包括选题背景、研究现状、研究意义。第一部分是法人人格权的历史及其学说的梳理,本部分探讨了法人人格权发展的历史,从法人制度的确立,到法人人格权的形成,以及我国对法人格权的立法确认,从而引出我国理论界对法人人格权的几种观点的争论,并简要评析然后明确自己的观点,提出批驳的靶子,为下文作铺垫。第二部分论述了法人享有人格权理论基础,本部主要是通过对法人享有人格权的两种理论障碍进行破解,从而得出法人应当享有人格权的正确结论。第三部分阐述了法人人格权的内涵,介绍了法人人格权的特征和种类,本部分采用比较的手法,通过法人人格与自然人人格的比较,得出法人人格权的特征,并对其包括的权利加以阐述。第四部分论述了法人人格权的保护,本部分通过对大陆法系和英美法系在法人人格权保护方面的立法比较并以此为鉴,在结合我国对法人人格权民法保护现状的基础上,提出了建立我国法人非财产损害赔偿制度的构想。最后,为了确保本文结构的完整,本文还在文章的末尾加了个结论,以升华主题。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of our country’s politics, economy, and culture,the legal persons are playing a more and more important role in modern society. So the corporate personality right , especially the issue whether they should enjoy it and whether non-property damage compensation can be adopted when it is Violated, has caused constant argument. In view of the above question, this thesis will carry on the elaboration from the following several parts, proposes suggestions on the protection of the corporate personality rightThis thesis is mainly composed of four parts besides the introduction and conclusion. The introduction mainly includes the background, the present situation and significance of the study.The first part is a brief summary of the history of the corporate personality right and theories concerned. In this part, the history of the corporate personality right was discussed, including the formation of the corporation system, the establishment of the corporate personality right, as well as the legislative confirmation of the corporate personality righ in China. With this summary, severy arguments in our country about corporate personality right were introduced and brief comments were made, on the basis of which our own viewpoint to the corporate spersonality right was made clear as a preparation for the next part.The second part elaborated the theoretical base of the corporate personality right. By solving two barriers in theory against the personality right, a reasonable conclusion was drawn in this part that the corpation should enjoy their own personality right.The third part mainly dealt with the connotation of corporate personality right,include its characteristics and its classifications. By comparing with natural person personality, a detailed description was given to the corporate personality right.The fourth part was focused on the personality right protection of the corporate .On the comparision of the mainland legal system with the UK-US legal system in the corporate personality right protection, a conception was made that a non-property damage compensation system should be made for the corporation in our country.Finally, to guarantee the completeness in the structure, a conclusion was added in the end of the thesis to sublimates the subject.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

