

France’s Blockade and China’s Strategy during the Sino-French War

【作者】 杨栋

【导师】 刘国铭;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于中法之间宗藩体制和殖民体制的对立,维护自身利权的斗争,1883年12月爆发了中法战争。1884年5月两国虽然签订《李福协定》握手言和,但在北圻根深蒂固的矛盾并未消除,6月便爆发了谅山事件。法国为强索赔款,乃定“据地为质”之策,先攻福州,再犯台北。在清政府的顽强抵抗下,法国未能如愿“据地”,遂又开始搜查公海、阻禁漕粮、封锁北海。其封锁措施逐渐脱离了“据地为质”的范畴,转为通过各种方式对华施压。法军的封锁几近一年,但并未达到预期效果。在封锁期间,清政府实施了诸多应对措施,总体上具有正义性和必要性。

【Abstract】 As China’s suzerain-vassal system and the French colonial system of confrontation,China and France maintain their respective interests of the struggle,the Sino-French War broke out in the December 1883. Although the two countries signed a peace agreement in the May 1884, the deep-rooted contradictions about North Vietnam still existed. Therefore, Lang Son incident inevitably broke out in the June. In order to obtain compensation, France decided to occupy the land of China as a pledge. French military first bombarded Fuzhou, and then attacked Taipei. As the Qing government’s stubborn resistance, France failed to achieve the desired plan. Thus, the French warships began to search the high seas, intercept transport ships carrying food and blockade the port of BeiHai. France gradually gave up the purpose of occupying the land of China,and started to take various means to exert pressure on the Qing government. France’s blockade lasted for almost a year, but did not achieve the desired results. During the period, the Qing government had taken many measures, which was just and necessary on the whole.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】K256.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】151

