

Characteristics of Soil Nutrients and Enzyme Activities of Ancient Tea Garden in Jingmai, Lancang, Yunnan

【作者】 姜虹

【导师】 沙丽清;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(西双版纳热带植物园) , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大叶茶(Camellia sinensis var. assamica)是普洱茶的主要生产原料,云南西双版纳、思茅、临沧等地作为大叶茶的原产地,具有悠久的植茶历史,分布着世界上面积最大、树龄最长的千年古茶园。古茶园生态系统植物多样性丰富,保存了大量的野生植物资源,同时古茶园作为一种特殊的生态系统,具有自我维持的稳定机制,包括病虫害的自我控制和土壤肥力的自我维持,排除了人为的营养物质供给和病虫害的防治,古茶园的茶叶得以保持其优良品质。云南省澜沧县景迈古茶园是典型的栽培型古茶园,本研究选择该茶园,研究其土壤养分为探明其土壤肥力自我维持机制提供依据。本研究在澜沧景迈古茶园区内大平掌处选择相邻的古茶园(Ancient Tea Garden,ATG)、台地茶园(Conventional Tea Garden,CTG)和天然林(Forest)三种利用类型的土壤,进行了土壤养分和土壤酶活性的调查和测定,同时还设计了土样在不同的保存条件下对土壤酶活性测定影响的试验。主要结果如下:1)土壤水分在0~20 cm和20~40 cm的土层无显著差异,在不同林型的土壤差异显著,水分由低到高为:台地茶园<古茶园<天然林。2)三种类型的土壤都呈明显的酸性,在雨季土壤pH为3.80~3.91,在干季土壤pH为4.00~4.24,茶园土壤的酸度尤其是古茶园的更低,而且不同的植茶年龄对土壤的酸化程度有差异。3)三种类型土壤的主要养分含量和酶活性在表层0~20 cm都比下层20~40 cm高,但镁、铝和钾金属元素含量无明显的上下层差异;三者有机质含量都很高(雨季平均值>69 g·kg-1,干季平均值>57 g·kg-1),有机质和氮的含量分布为台地茶园<古茶园<天然林,而全磷含量以古茶园最高。4)土壤中酶活性的差异与养分含量的差异不一致,各种酶活性在三种土壤中的变化规律不一致:脲酶活性为台地茶园﹤天然林﹤古茶园;酸性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性为台地茶园﹤古茶园﹤天然林;过氧化氢酶活性在雨季为:古茶园﹤台地茶园﹤天然林,干季为:台地茶园﹤古茶园﹤天然林。5)土壤pH与铝、钾和镁等金属元素含量呈显著相关性,氮元素与其它养分相关性最大,有机质、氮、磷和速效钾等主要营养因子与土壤酶活性有显著正相关。酸性磷酸酶活性与全磷和速效磷的相关性弱,脲酶活性与全氮和碱解氮的相关性弱,与全磷和速效磷呈极显著正相关。6)新鲜土和风干后测定的土壤酶活性与各指标的相关性无显著差异。7)风干处理对土壤酶有显著的失活影响,温度和保存时间对新鲜土和风干后保存的土样影响不同,对不同的土壤酶影响也各异。新鲜状态保存的土样温度比时间的影响更大,而风干土样受到保存时间的影响更大一些;从温度和时间的交互影响来看,新鲜土的土样受到的影响更大一些,风干处理后土壤酶活性更稳定。古茶园生态系统作为特殊的生态系统,有极高的生态价值和经济价值,建议对其进行进一步深入全面的研究,并加强科研机构、茶农和政府的共同参与,以求更好的利用和保护方法,让古茶园得以可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Camellia sinensis var. assamica is the principal raw material of Pu-erh Tea, and there’s a long history of tea planting in Xishuangbanna, Simao, Lincang, etc of Yunnan Province. The largest Ancient Tea Gardens (ATGs) with oldest tea trees are distributed in these areas. ATGs are very special ecosystems with high biodiversity and plenty of wild plant resources. Moreover, ATGs have special self-sustaining capability of soil fertility maintenance and self-protection from pests. Without artificial fertilizers and pesticides, Pu-erh tea produced here could keep its excellent quality. ATG in Jingmai, Langcang County is a typical example of cultivated ATGs. In this research, ATG soil in Jingmai and its neighboring conventional tea garden (CTG) and forest soils were sampled and assayed for soil nutrients and soil enzyme activities. Another experiment was designed to test effects of sample storage under different conditions on soil enzyme activities. The main conclusions were listed as follow:1) Soil moisture showed no marked difference between the top layer (0~20 cm) and deeper one (20~40 cm), while there’s significant difference among different land uses, with an order of CTG< ATG< Forest.2) All the soils sampled were acid, with a pH of 3.80~3.91 in wet season and 4.00~4.24 in dry season. Soil pH was lower in tea garden, and the acidification was also more serious under older tee plants.3) Content of OM, N, P and soil enzyme activities were higher in the top soil, while Mg, Al and K showed no such marked vertical difference. The content of OM was much higher than average tea gardens in other areas. The content of N and OM had an order of CTG< ATG<Forest, while the content of P in ATG was the highest.4) The distribution of soil enzyme activities under three land uses showed no identical order with soil nutrients.5) Soil pH significantly correlated with metal elements such as Al, K and Mg. The most significant correlations existed between N and other nutrients. There were certain correlation between nutrients and enzyme activities, too. Unexpectedly, acid phosphatase showed very little correlation with total P and available P, and so did urease with total N and available N, while urease strongly correlated with TP and AP positively.6) Correlations between enzyme activities of air-drying soil and other nutrients showed no significant difference from that between enzyme activities of fresh soil and other nutrients.7) Inactivation of all enzymes with air-drying pre-treatment was very obvious. The effects of storage temperature and time upon this were different between field-moisture and air-drying samples, and among different soil enzymes. Storage temperature had greater influence on field-moisture samples, while storage time had greater influence on air-drying ones. Refer to the co-effect of temperature and time, field-moisture samples were more fragile to be influence than air-drying ones. Seen in this light, stability of soil enzymes in air-drying samples was much better.As a special ecosystem, ATG ecosystem has important ecological and economic value. In order to protect and develop ATG in a sustainable way, it’s suggested that further and more comprehensive research be carried into execution, and participation of research institutes, villagers and government be strengthened.

  • 【分类号】S571.1;S158;S154.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】344
  • 攻读期成果

