

Research on the Development of Gansu News Website

【作者】 尹仔锋

【导师】 穆建刚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 甘肃新闻网是地处西部欠发达地区具有通讯社背景的综合新闻网站,具有明显的地域性特征,目前附属于中国新闻社甘肃分社。事实表明,建站以来一直坚持的“附属体运作模式”是失败的。本文从机会、威胁、优势、缺陷四个方面分析甘肃新闻网内外环境与条件,且重点分析了甘肃新闻网的新闻质量建设与现有经营模式,指出其市场化改革的必要性、紧迫性以及改革思路。在“新闻立网”的前提下,甘肃新闻网应逐步确立甘肃新闻网的市场主体地位,实行公司化运作。改革经营模式,拓展融资渠道和赢利渠道,走协同发展之路,形成具有权威影响力的地方新闻门户网站。正确处理甘肃新闻网与其母体的关系,是其市场化改革的重要条件;甘肃新闻网与其母体应该既独立运作又相互联系、相互补充,要由依附关系转变为依存关系。甘肃新闻网的改革是一个涉及很多方面的复杂问题,但是在明确了其市场主体地位的大框架下,绝大部分问题都可以运用市场化的方式予以解决。网站的改革探索将为甘肃新闻网跨越式发展奠定基础。

【Abstract】 Gansu News Website is an integrated news website with obvious geographical characteristics, located in the developing western regions of China, and affiliated with the Gansu Branch of the china-news agency with the failure experience of the " operation mode of the subsidiary".The necessity and urgency of market-oriented reform are concluded in this paper after analysis on the internal and external environment from opportunities ,threats, advantages, and shortcomings of Gansu News Website. The analying focus is on News quality construction together with the current business model, and the reform ideas is conceived in the last part of the article.With the best news quality, Gansu News Website market-oriented reform should aim at forming influential local news portal, through a variety of reform such as gradual establishment mainstay of the market status , the operation of the company and operation models, expanding finance channels and profit channels, and taking the road of Synergetic development.For reforming Gansu News Website, it is an important condition to dispose the relationship between Gansu News and its matrix correctly. They are connected and reinforced each other ,and the relationship between them should be altered from adherence to dependence .The reform of Gansu News Website is a complex issue referring to many aspacts and aeras. However, under the framework of its market dominant position, the vast majority of current problems can be solved by way of market-oriented approach .The reform will lay the foundation for its development by leaps and bounds.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】G219.27
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】163

