

Multidimensional Research on Foreign Basketball-players in CBA

【作者】 张玉国

【导师】 孙民治;

【作者基本信息】 首都体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 外籍球员是CBA联赛的新生的外来事物,但其在联赛的发展过程中扮演了重要的角色,本文以此为出发点对CBA联赛外籍球员进行研究。自CBA联赛创办以来,已经引进外籍球员多达298人次,外籍球员在联赛和各支俱乐部的作用越来越明显,表现也日趋突出,他们用自己的行动赢得了中国篮球届和广大观众的认可。但是,CBA联赛外籍球员的引进还处于初级阶段,在外籍球员的引进、使用的过程中同样存在很多的问题,取得成功与遭遇挫折并存。因此,如何做到既引进外籍球员又培养本国球员,学习外国的先进的技战术,促进我国本土球员技战术的提高;如何处理好引进外籍球员与中国男篮发展的关系等,是日前篮球改革中急需解决的首要问题,也是本论文研究的主要目的。本文以CBA联赛创办以来12个赛季中近300名外籍球员作为主要研究对象,文献资料法、录像法、现场观察统计法、访问座谈法以及问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等方法,对CBA联赛外籍球员的引进目的、引进办法、管理办法及措施、正面作用、负面影响等多维的审视、研究。本文主要研究内容和成果如下:1.通过对CBA联赛外籍球员的引进目的、引进办法与管理措施、作用及影响、存在问题等多维的审视,CBA联赛引进的外籍球员在推动我国篮球职业化、产业化等一方面起着重要的推动作用,给CBA联赛注入了活力,提高了CBA联赛观众的上座人数,并对俱乐部的联赛成绩的提高和商业运转有着较大的影响。2.外籍球员的引进对我们了解、学习国外先进的篮球技、战术和先进的篮球理念,把握世界篮球发展的主流,影响并带动我国的篮球技术水平、加快攻防及转换速度、提高高强度强对抗下的攻防技术运用能力,以及促进我国篮球运动的发展,促进篮球文化的交流都起到了积极的作用。3.在中国篮球运动的发展过程中,应该树立“以我为主,洋为中用”的指导思想,立足发展自己,培养自己的球员,但在一定的阶段可以利用引进外籍球员,让他们来推动我国篮球运动的发展,促进中国篮球事业的发展。4.针对外籍球员存在的问题,俱乐部要配置有较高人文文化素质、有丰富职业管理、教育的专业人员,要树立尊重人才、尊重人性的观念,对待外籍球员不能放任或迁就,应不断对他们宣传CBA联赛和俱乐部的规章制度,使他们服从俱乐部的管理,这样才能形成一个有序的比赛氛围和强有力的集体,从而探索出一条适合中国职业篮球发展的“洋为中用”之路。

【Abstract】 The foreign basketball-players as the new external things in CBA league,however has played the important role, this article conducts the research by this starting point to the CBA league. Since the CBA league has been organized, has already introduced as many as 298 foreign basketball-players, the foreign basketball-players are getting more and more obvious in CBA league and each club’s, and they have had won the Chinese Basketball session and the majority of audience’s recognition. Because the introduction of foreign players still in the initial stage in the CBA league, the process of using the foreign basketball-players gets success and encounters setback coexistence. Therefore, how to achieve the aims about both introduces the foreign player and to train our country player, studies foreign the advanced technique and tactics, promotes our country native place player;and how to deal with the relations which the introduction foreign player and the Chinese men’s basketball team develop and so on, are urgently needed the solution and also the main purpose in this thesis studies.This article applies the methods of questionnaire,documental research work, videotapes surveying and data statistics to study foreign basketball-players,which nearly 300 players in 12 seasons since the CBA league has organized. This article will discusses the foreign basketball-players in 5 aspects, such as the introduction goal of foreign players, the introduction means that policing method and measure, and management measures, the positive role, the negative impact.Main research content in this paper is as follows:1.The foreign basketball-players in CBA league have greatly affected in promoting our country’s basketball career and in the improvement of the team league results and business operations. The introduction of foreign-players to the CBA League, raised the CBA league tournament’s overall level, the CBA league tournament audience’s rate, and promotes the basketball culture exchange between countries.2.When introduction of foreign basketball-players, clubs should be based on the actual needs, expand their horizons, unnecessarily lock in the only goal of the United States, and must the more attention other area player market, such as the European area’s player market, which also has the massive excellent players similarly.3. Address the issue of the foreign-players in CBA, we need to seriously sum up the various aspects of further reflection and to explore professional road to suit the Chinese professional basketbal.4.We also need to improve the training of personnel basketball reserve mechanism. Establishes a set to conform with our country national condition the basketball personnel training system, which considerable amount basketball population’s foundation, and unifies closely with our country reality’s education system and the professional league.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】589

