

The Investigation Study on the Status of Extracurricular Sport Activities at Primary Schools between Beijing Urban and Rural Areas

【作者】 陆俊

【导师】 刘平江;

【作者基本信息】 首都体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 课外体育活动是指学生在体育课以外所从事各种体育活动,既包括学生在校内外有目的、有计划、有组织地参加体育活动,又包括学生自发参与的一切校内外体育活动。小学生课外体育活动作为体育教学的延伸是小学学校体育的重要组成部分,对于进一步增强学生体质、提高学生健康水平、培养小学生终身体育意识和习惯具有重要作用,是实现学校体育目的的基本途径之一。课外体育在学校教育中具有一定的地位,是学校教育的重要阵地。学校教育不仅包括写在课表上的各门课程,而且还包括大量的各种有益身心发展的课外各种活动,如文艺活动、科技活动、体育活动等。各种课外活动与各种教学活动相互配合,互为补充,构成了完整的学校教育课程体系,共同去实现学校教育的目标和任务。课外体育和体育课两者是互相联系、互相补充的。体育课为课外体育的发展奠定了一定的身体和技术基础,为课外体育提供知识和技能准备课外体育活动为学生提供了一个实践检验体育课学习效果的活动条件。小学生课外体育活动对于培养学生的体育意识,养成体育锻炼习惯,掌握体育锻炼的技能和方法极为重要。本文主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法进行研究。采用随机抽样的方法,对北京崇文区29所小学、房山区37所小学,共940名小学生、90名学校体育主管部门工作者进行全面的课外体育活动调查。对近两年北京市城区和农村小学校开展课外体育活动的情况进行对比分析,得出以下结论并针对性的提出相应的建议。(1)大多数北京小学生喜欢参加课外体育活动,仍有极少数学生不喜欢体育锻炼;学校领导和班主任大都对课外体育活动持支持的积极态度。俱乐部的发展是小学课外体育活动的一个趋势。(2)北京市城区和农村小学生主要出于“锻炼意志品质”,“预防疾病增进健康”的动机而参加课外体育活动,均排在前两位。北京小学生最喜欢的体育项目是乒乓球,最经常锻炼的体育项目是跑步和广播体操。(3)北京大部分小学生参加课外体育活动每次活动时间在“30(含)—60分钟”;约3/4的学生都愿意选择在学校免费场馆锻炼,且都愿意和同学或朋友一起锻炼。(4)北京城区、农村学校课外体育活动都是主要采取体育老师负责制。(5)北京小学校场地人均拥有率与国家标准还相差一定距离。

【Abstract】 Extracurricular Sport Activities (ESAs) refer to varieties of sport activities participated by the students in addition to Physical Education (PE), including both the sport activities participated by the students purposefully under pre-determined plan and organization on and outside of the campus and all other sport activities on and outside of the campus participated by students on a spontaneous basis. As an extension of PE, ESAs for primary school students constitute an important part of primary school education. It plays a significant role in strengthening students’ physical being, improving students’ health and building up a perpetual consciousness and habitual inclination for sport activities among primary school students, it is therefore one of the fundamental ways to achieve the targets of school sport education.ESA takes a significant position in school curricular education and is an important forefront of school education. The school education not only contains the numerous courses set on the curricular tables of the school, but also includes substantial amount of various ESAs that are valuable for physical and psychological development of the students, such as recreational activities, scientific and technical activities, sport and match activities, etc. Working in a perfect combination and coordination supplementing each other, various ESAs and curricular activities jointly form an integral school educational and curricular system towards realizing the goal and task of school education altogether. ESAs and PE are also interconnected and complement with each other. Physical education has made certain physical and technical preparation in students for the development of ESAs, and PE offers a readiness of knowledge and skill for ESAs, in return, ESAs provide a way that the result of PE is tested and evaluated in practice.Primary school students’ ESAs are of fundamental importance in cultivating sports consciousness, forming the habitual behavioral pattern for physical training and obtaining the skill and method of physical training. This paper adopts the methods of checking documentation and information, issuing investigation questionnaire and statistical survey, etc. to conduct research and analysis. Based on the approach of random sampling, the paper attempts to conduct a comprehensive survey of ESAs being performed in 29 primary schools in Chongwen District and 37 primary schools in Fangshan District, Beijing, involving a total of 940 students and 90 officers in school sport education authorities. On this basis the paper provides a comparative analysis on the ESAs in primary schools in urban and rural areas in Beijing. The conclusions of this paper are as following.Firstly, most Beijing pupils enjoy participating sports activities after school, meanwhile there are still some students don’t like ESAs. The school head and the class adviser hold the active attitude to sports activities after school. The development of club is a trend of elementary school sports activities after school.Secondly, the pupils from Beijing urban area and rural area participating ESAs are mainly for the motivation of tempering one’s willpower quality and preventing a disease from enhancing healthy, which are listed as top 2 among all the motivations. The favorite sports project among Beijing pupils is table tennis, and the sports project taken mostly is jogging and doing exercises while listening to radio music.Thirdly, most of the pupils of Beijing spend 30 to 60 minutes participating ESAs each time. About 75% students would like to choose free mansions in school to do exercises, along with schoolmates or friends.Fourthly, ESAs in urban and rural area of Beijing primary school is PE teacher in charge.And fifthly, the ratio of each pupil to sport places in Beijing is much less than that of the national standard. The majority of the experts, teachers and students hold the positive attitude to the future of the ESAs development.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1032

