

The Filial Piety Tradition and the Contemporary Construction Harmonious Society Searches Analyzes

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 王长坤;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 孝道是中华民族的传统美德,“尽孝”在中国人的心目中,被认为是天经地义的事情,也是支配人们的行为准则和评判人的德行标准。在传统中国社会,“百善孝为先”倍受推崇,被看作是人伦之始、众德之本,它不仅对家庭和睦、社会安定起着促进作用,而且对国人的衣食住行、生活方式与民俗等都产生了重要影响。当今时代要求构建和谐社会,社会的和谐须植根于民族的传统文化,孝道作为中华文化的核心仍然是解决中国人道德建设的精神给养。本文以历史为根据,现实为基础,在前人研究的基础上,着重从传统孝道的内涵入手,考察了传统孝道在不同历史时期的流变和对当下社会发展的影响,分析了传统孝道的内在本质和社会伦理价值,探讨了孝道传统在当代社会存在的不足之处。并在此基础之上指出了当代社会重建孝道传统的必要性。但是,传统孝道与现代孝道毕竟不可同日而语,对于孝道传统的重建,我们必须本着辩证的观点,在批判继承的基础上,结合当代社会的实际,重构孝道传统,赋予孝道传统以新的内容,才能使之焕发出生命力。全文共分四部分,首先从思想史和社会史的角度探讨了传统孝道的基本内涵以及在传统社会中的地位和影响;其次分析了传统孝道在近代社会转型期的演变,主要凸显孝道在近现代所遭到的批判;再次通过分析孝道传统在当代社会的缺失与面临的挑战,说明孝道传统在当代社会重建的必要性;最后提出孝道传统在当代社会重构的意义、原则和措施。

【Abstract】 "The filial piety "is Chinese nation’s traditional virtue, it was considered that is the perfectly justified matter, is also controls people’s standard of conduct and judges person’s welldoing standard,in Chinese’s mind. "Among all kinds of kindness, filial piety goes first" esteem, is regarded as is beginning, foundation of the human relations, and It has had effect to all social life ,In the traditional society. Today the time request construction harmonious society, that it must take root in nationality’s culture, the filial piety still solves Chinese moral reconstruction provisions as the Chinese culture core.This article takes the history as the basis, the reality is a foundation, On the basis of the the predecessor,obtained from the filial piety’s connotation, to inspect it in different historical period changing and to immediately the social development influence, has analyzed it intrinsic essence and the ethics value, has discussed it in the present age social being deficiency. And has pointed out the contemporary society reconstruction filial piety tradition necessity above this foundation. But, the traditional filial piety and the modern filial piety are no comparison between them, regarding the filial piety tradition’s reconstruction, we must in line with the dialectical viewpoint, in the foundation which the union present age society’s reality, the restructuring filial piety tradition.It has four parts, first has discussed the filial piety basic connotation as well as in the traditional society’s status and the influence from the thinking history and the social history; Next has analyzed it in the modern society evolution, mainly highlights the filial piety the critique which encounters in near modern age; Once more through the analysis it in the contemporary society’s flaw with the challenge which faces, the explanation filial piety tradition in the contemporary society reconstruction necessity; Finally proposed that the filial piety tradition the significance which, the principle and the measure restructures in the contemporary society.

  • 【分类号】B823
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】694

