

Study on Offset Fountain Solution

【作者】 赵金花

【导师】 刘昕;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 印刷工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 非离子表面活性剂润版液是近几年发展起来的新型润版液,是用非离子表面活性剂取代酒精的低表面张力润版液。由于其表面张力低、润湿性能好,能减少润版液的用量,成为高速多色胶印机中理想的润版液。本课题研究的主要目的是选择合适的非离子表面活性剂作为润版液添加剂,配置出一种润湿效果好、抗硬水能力强、性能稳定的新型润版液。本文以印刷工艺原理和印刷适性为理论依据,通过对表面活性剂结构和性能的关系分析,利用HLB值法对表面活性剂进行筛选,从众多表面活性剂中初步筛选出四种非离子表面活性剂,AEO7、吐温-80、APG0810、聚醚L64。通过对所选的表面活性剂进行浊点、硬水中稳定性以及临界胶团浓度等基本性能的测定,筛选出浊点较高、硬水中稳定性好且表面张力合适的两种非离子表面活性剂作为润版液添加剂,吐温-80、聚醚L64。对吐温-80、聚醚L64进行复配,测定复配体系的润湿性,运用非线性回归对实验数据进行处理,求出复配比例与润湿性的回归方程,再运用规划求解得出协同效应最好时的最佳比例,确定出润版液主要添加剂的用量。油墨的乳化率和乳化油墨的稳定性是衡量润版液性能很重要的指标。极性有机物和水溶性高分子化合物与表面活性剂分子相互作用,形成“复合物”,增加了油水界面膜的强度,从而可以提高乳化油墨的稳定性。本文选择润湿性好且具有吸湿性的丙三醇和聚乙二醇200作为润版液添加剂。通过均匀实验设计,确定了丙三醇和聚乙二醇200的最佳添加量。润版液的pH值对胶印油墨的转移效果影响很大,pH值过低或过高的润版液都不适宜用来润湿印版。因此润版液应具有酸碱之间的缓冲性能,以保持润版液pH值的稳定性。本文选择具有清洗作用并且副作用小的柠檬酸和柠檬酸钠组成缓冲对,配置缓冲溶液。最后本文还对所配置的润版液的一些基本性能进行了测定。结果表明:所配置的润版液满足印刷使用的要求,具有抗硬水性强、润湿性能好、缓冲性能好等特点。

【Abstract】 The nonionic surfactant fountain solution is low surface tension and new solution which use nonionic surfactant instead of alcohol. It has become perfect fountain solution owing to its low surface tension and good wetting and reducing the dosage. The purpose is to choose suitable nonionic surfactant as additives of fountain solution and configure a new one that has good wetting and anti-hard water, and stable performance.This paper chooses AEO7, Tween-80, APG0810, L64 from the numerous surfactants as additives according to printing technical principle and printability and the relation of configuration and character of surfactant and the value of HLB. Through measuring the cloud point and hard water stability and critical micelle concentration of surfactant the Tween-80 and L64 was chose as additives owing to its higher cloud point and stable in hard water and suitable surface tension.Tween-80 was blended with L64 then the wetting of mixed system was measured. Nonlinear regression was used to deal with experimental data and the mixing ratio and wetting was obtained. Then programming method was used to obtain best ratio when the best synergy and the dosage of main additives was determined.The emulsion rate and stability of emulsion ink is an important indicator to evaluate the character of fountain solution. Polar organic interacted with water-soluble polymers and come into complex, so the interfacial film of ink and water was strengthened and the stability of emulsion ink was improved. The glycerol and polyethylene glycol200 was chose as additive because of its good wetting and hygroscopic. The dosage of additives of glycerol and polyethylene glycol200 was determined by uniform experimental design.The pH value of fountain solution has an important effect on transfer of offset ink which too low or high will not be suitable for wetting plate. Fountain solution should have pH buffer in order to maintain pH stability of fountain solution. Citric acid and sodium citrate that have cleaning performance and less side-effect was chose to make up of buffer solution. Finally, some of the basic properties of configuration solution were measured.The results show that configuration solution has strong anti-hard water, better wetting and buffer and meets the requirements of printing.

  • 【分类号】TS827
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】383

