

The Software Development of Efficiency Simulation and Optimization of Rod Pumping System Based on ASP.NET

【作者】 刘忠喜

【导师】 刘宏昭;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 有杆抽油是目前石油行业中使用最广泛的机械采油方式。结合计算机和网络技术对其运行效率进行仿真评价并在此基础上给出优化生产方案,能够很大地提高石油的开采效益。本文结合油田现场需求基于ASP.NET技术设计实现了相应的计算机网络软件。主要内容有:收集并分析油田生产现场的实际需求,确定了网络软件需要实现的功能组成。设计出了软件的总体结构框架,确定了软件系统的结构模式、开发平台、开发语言和运行环境。开发有杆抽油系统仿真计算模块,并实现其在后台服务器的成功调用,实现了对单口油井的单个参数方案以及多个参数方案的仿真计算。在单井仿真分析的基础上,实现了对多口油井进行批量分析仿真的功能。分析了油田现场使用的两种测试数据文件的存储格式,实现了对这些格式数据文件的网络环境程序读取。结合有杆抽油系统基本生产参数,对单组测试数据进行分析,得到了反映有杆抽油系统运行状态的各技术指标。实现了分析结果报告以网页报告形式自动生成的功能。建立了有杆抽油系统基本参数数据库,并实现了对数据库的程序访问。利用SQL语言,实现了批量油井数据导入数据库的功能,实现了对基本数据库的高效维护管理。考虑软件使用的安全性、稳定性,设计了多用户分权限操作方式,定义了软件的用户并为其定制了相应权限,实现了安全有效的用户管理机制。制作了软件的帮助系统。

【Abstract】 Rod pumping is a very popular means of mechanical oil production.Using the computer and network technical to monitor and evaluate the condition of rod pumping system is important for improving the efficiency of oil production.In this paper,according to actual requirement and based on ASRNET,a set of network service system is developed.The main content is in the following:First,the function of this network software is determined after collecting and analyzing the requirement form oil field.Then,the methods of implementing above function are discussed, and the structure mode,the developing platform,developing language and the system operating environment is determined.The simulation and calculation module of rod pumping system is developed and is called by background server,the single-well simulation method for single-scheme and multi-scheme is provided,then,this method is extended for multi-well simulation.Several storage formats of measurement data are analyzed,the data reading method for program in the network are achieved and corresponding conversion tools are developed. Considering the basic parameters of rod pumping system,an analytical algorithm of single-group measurement data is given.The function dealing with continuous measurement data during a fixed time range is realized and trends of the output data are obtained.For the convenience of obtaining the final report,an automatic report generation function is realized.Basic parameter database of rod pumping system is built;the access to database by means of program is accomplished.The function of database management is designed with SQL.Considering the security and stability of the software system,a mode of multi-user with different operation grades is designed;system users are defined and are built corresponding authority.Finally,help documents for this network service system are developed.

  • 【分类号】TE933
  • 【下载频次】136

