

Design of Equipment Management Process and Its System Development

【作者】 金博

【导师】 刘书庆;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 传统设备管理模式主要是以手工为主实现设备管理,这种管理模式效率低、信息冗余大,而且信息反馈响应时间长,计算机辅助设备管理可以很好的弥补传统设备管理模式的不足。本文对设备管理方案进行了研究,并实现了网络信息条件下的设备管理信息系统。本文首先在总结设备申请配置管理相关理论的基础上,建立了设备申请配置管理流程,并以可行性分析相关理论为基础,采用模糊综合评价方法,设计了设备可行性论证方案;其次,建立了供应商评价与选择流程模型,并结合模糊综合评价理论和设备自身特性,设计了供应商评价与选择方案,同时建立了设备采购合同管理流程模型和设备到货验收流程模型;接着,在总结设备运行管理相关理论的基础上,结合企业实际情况,建立了设备运行管理管理流程,并在识别设备重要性评价指标体系的基础上,采用模糊综合评价法对设备进行了重要性评价与分级,并设计了基于设备重要性的设备分类管理方案;同时,设计了设备三级维护管理方案;再次,在上述设备管理方案研究的基础上,结合企业实际,采用系统开发需求分析方法和业务流程图、数据流图等系统分析方法,进行了网络信息条件下设备管理信息系统分析;然后,采用功能模块法,将系统功能划分为申请配置管理、采购计划管理、供应商选择、采购合同管理、设备到货验收管理、设备库存管理、在用设备管理、设备改造管理、设备封存管理、设备启用管理、设备闲置退库管理、设备转移管理、设备报废管理、设备资产管理、设备统计管理、供应商管理、设备分类管理、系统维护管理等模块,并采用新奥尔良、E-R图等方法设计出了Apply、doc purchase、doc_purchase_item、doc_equipment、doc_equipment_miantain等60多张数据表,同时结合企业实际情况及各种系统模式的特点,选择采用B/S模式进行了系统实现;最后,基于以上系统分析和设计,采用asp.net、c#、SQL、数据结构等技术和SQLSever2000数据库管理系统,实现了基于Web的设备管理信息系统。

【Abstract】 The traditional equipment management pattern mainly is primarily realizes the equipment management by the handwork, this kind of management pattern efficiency low, the information redundancy is big, moreover the information feedback response time is long, the computer supporting facility management may the very good atonement tradition equipment management pattern insufficiency. This article has conducted the research to the equipment management plan, and has realized under the network information condition equipment management information system.This article first in the summary equipment application disposition management correlation theories foundation, has established the equipment application disposition management flow, and take the feasibility analysis correlation theories as the foundation, uses the fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation method, has designed the equipment feasibility proof plan;Next, has established the supplier appraisal and the choice flow model, and unifies the fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation theory and equipment own characteristic, has designed the supplier appraisal and the choice plan, simultaneously has established the equipment purchase contract management flow model and the equipment arrival of shipment approves the flow model;Then, in the summary equipment movement management correlation theories foundation, the union enterprise actual situation, has established the equipment movement management management flow, and in the identification equipment importance appraisal target system foundation, used the fuzzy judgment method to carry on the important appraisal and the graduation to the equipment, and has designed based on the equipment important device class management plan; At the same time, has designed the equipment three level of maintenance management plan;Once more, in the above equipment management plan research foundation, uses the system development demand analysis method and the service flow chart, the data flow graph and so on the system analysis method, has carried on under the network information condition the equipment management information system analysis;Then, uses the function module law, divides the system function into the application disposition management, the purchase project management, the supplier chooses, the purchase contract management, the equipment arrival of shipment approves the management, the equipment stock management, is using the equipment management, the equipment to transform the management, the equipment seals the management, the equipment begins using the management, the equipment idle draws back the storehouse management, the equipment shifts the management, the equipment abandonment management, the equipment property management, the equipment statistics management, the supplier manages, modules and so on device class management, system maintenance management, and used methods design Apply, doc_purchase, doc_purchase_item, doc_equipment, doc_equipment_miantain and so on New Orleans, E-R chart and so on more than 60 data sheets, simultaneously unified the enterprise actual situation and each kind of system pattern characteristic, the choice used the B/S pattern to carry on the system realization; Finally, based on above system analysis and the design, uses technical and the SQLSever2000 database management system and so on asp.net, c#, SQL, construction of data, has realized based on the Web equipment management information system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1020

