

Study on Influencing Factor of the Potential Value of Residential Housing Customer

【作者】 盛纪娜

【导师】 徐瑞平;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 90年代房改以来,我国的房地产市场蓬勃发展,尤其是住宅类商品房的发展尤为迅猛。但同时,也面临着大量的客户投诉、纠纷、客户忠诚度低、负面口碑等一系列问题。随着国家宏观政策的越来越健全,消费者越来越理性,房地产企业想要在激烈的市场竞争中赢的持续的竞争优势,那么就必须真正“以客户为中心”,积极实行客户价值管理,尤其是客户潜在价值的管理。客户价值管理一方面对潜在客户的购买行为、价值取向、价值影响因素进行深入分析,挖掘销售机会,在变化的市场环境中保持永续发展能力;另一方面,满足当前最有价值客户的个性化需求,提高客户忠诚度和保持率,实现缩短销售周期,降低销售成本;同时为未来产品发展方向提供科学的决策指导依据,使企业适应快速变化的市场。本文采用问卷调查方法对住宅客户潜在价值的影响因素进行了实证研究。在对现有成果进行总结、分析及对房地产市场客户潜在价值分析的基础上,提出了本文的研究思路和假设。采用文本分析的方法对住宅客户潜在价值的影响因素进行了初步的提取和筛选。结合筛选后的因素,参考已有的研究中涉及的题项,设计出了本文的调查问卷,利用SPSS13.0进行了信度检验、效度检验,描述性统计分析、偏相关分析、方差分析等统计分析工作。文中对商品房住宅客户的潜在价值进行了分析,辨析了住宅客户潜在价值及三因素的影响因素,并就客户感知价值、客户满意、客户信任、转移成本等因素与潜在价值及三因素的关系做了深入的分析以验证假设,并提出了相应的建议。本文得出如下结论:商品房住宅客户潜在价值的主要影响因素有客户感知价值(顾客关怀,产品品质、员工能力,销售支持,企业形象)、客户满意、客户信任、转移成本。客户感知价值的各因子与口碑推荐意愿,增量交叉购买意愿、及潜在价值总体有显著的正相关关系。客户满意、客户信任与口碑推荐意愿,增量交叉购买意愿、及潜在价值总体有显著的正相关关系。货币成本与品牌忠诚显著的负相关;时间成本与增量交叉购买意愿显著的负相关。此外,本研究也得出结论:不同背景的客户其潜在价值也存在差异。家庭结构、受教育水平及家庭年可支配收入不同的住宅客户其潜在价值也不一样。希望本文的研究为房地产企业的客户价值管理、尤其是潜在价值管理提供实证帮助。

【Abstract】 Since the reform of the Real-estate in 1990’s, the industy of Real-estate is booming, especially the residential housing. Meanwhile, the enterprises of Real-estate are confronted with many problems, such as the customer complaints, the unloyalty, bad propagandize and so on. In other hand, the government promulgates many laws to have a macroscopical monitor on the Real-estate, and the customers are more and more rational. If they wants keep a durative competitive advantages, the companys should be "take the customer as centre", and carry out the Customer Value Management.Being relied on questionnaire, this paper carried out the empirical study on the influencing factors of customer potential value. And, based on the sum-up and analysis of the available reseach and the potentical value of customer, it proposes research thought and relevant hypothesis of this paper, carries out preliminary extraction and sizing of the influencing factors of potential value by according to reference acknowledge scale. Through using SPSS13.0, this paper made statistical analysis, including reliability test, validity test, descriptive statistics, partial correlation analysis, and single-factor analysis of variance. The papers indentifies the factors of customer potential value of residential housing, and make an in-depth study on the relationship among influencing factors, background information and potential value to confirm a series of hypothesis. Then, some countermeasures are presented for organizations with this research.According to the survey and analyzing results,this study verify the assumptions, the main conclusions are summarized as follows: through factor analysis, customer awareness is divided into four factors: customer care, product and staff quality, sales support, entreprise attraction.; through the partial correlation analysis for the influencing factors and indicators of potential value, the author confirms the significant positive correlation exisits between them; through single-factor analysis of variance for Real-estate customers , the author found there are a significant differences in the potential value among customers of different backgrounds.Finally, we hope the research could provide forceful demonstration for Real-estate enterprise.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】194

