

Pivotal Technical Research of Paper Lacuna Inspection Based on DSP

【作者】 吕荫平

【导师】 邱书波;

【作者基本信息】 山东轻工业学院 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 纸页缺陷检测是造纸企业提高自身产品质量,进而增强企业整体竞争力的重要手段。应用计算机视觉和图像处理技术实现对纸页缺陷的在线检测,需要对采集的大量图像数据进行快速实时处理,以便系统能够在实际生产容许的时间范围内完成纸页表面质量信息的精确提取。实时数字图像处理也就成为了实现监测系统实时性要求的关键环节。近年来,DSP技术的发展不断将数字信号处理领域的理论研究成果应用到实际系统中,并且推动了新的理论和应用领域的发展,对图像处理等领域的技术发展也起到了十分重要的作用。基于DSP的图像处理系统也被广泛的应用于各种领域。本文通过对现有的纸页检测系统的结构和检测过程的分析,找出影响检测系统实时性的瓶颈,并由此分析提出了基于PC机、图像采集卡和DSP数字图像处理器的纸页缺陷监测系统的设计方案。新的系统的设计从软、硬件两个方面进行。硬件方面,在原有系统中增加了基于TI公司的TMS320C64×DSP的DM642超高速图像处理平台,由DSP完成对影响系统实时性的关键部分的处理;软件方面,提出主从式程序结构和基于图像灰度特征的缺陷图像识别方法,编写了实现缺陷识别的程序,并通过C代码和DSP平台的优化,包括存储器、Cache、EDMA的优化,消除存储器之间的相关性,从原理上减少缓存访问次数,优化循环的软件流水,以此加快程序运行速度,同时通过把Cache L2缓存设置为Cache与SRAM的混合模式实现Cache优化,实现了C代码到DSP平台的移植,同时充分利用TI提供的图像处理库(img62x)和在线仿真技术和软件优化方法对DSP端程序进行了仿真和优化,进而提高软件的运行效率。本课题研究最终初步完成了对监测系统整体平台的搭建。通过测试,该系统在识别率和实时性方面较原有系统有较大提高,实时处理方面基本满足实际生产的需要。

【Abstract】 The surface quality inspection for paper is a most important way for paper corporations to improve their products’ quality and thereby enhance their competition capability. The on-line inspection for the surface defect of paper strips using techniques of computer-vision and image-process need to do fleet operation for a great deal of image data being collected. Just with this capability, the system is able to finish collecting quality information of paper strip surface within an accepted time range. Digital image process has become the key point of realization of system real-timeness.In recent years, the development of DSP technology has put the theory achievement of digital signal processing field into practical application systems and pushed the progress of new theory and application. At the same time, it plays an important role in the field of image processing. The DSP-based image processing system can be applicable in many kinds of practical fields.The dissertation is based on our lab’s research production in the field of the surface defect inspection system of paper. During the analysis of the structure of traditional image processing system and inspection process, the dissertation find the choke point of the system real-timeness, and bring forward the design of surface defect inspection system based on PC host, image-collected card and DSP. The design of new system is carried out both in hardware and in software. In hardware, the traditional system is improved by adding DAM642 whose chip is TMS320C642 of TI. This image process equipment is used to do the part which impacts system real-timeness seriously. In software, principal-and-subordinate software structure is brought. The code running both in DSP and in host is written to do the Cache and EDMA defect inspection. During programming, several new techniques such as on-line emulation and optimization are used to increase the efficiency of system. The final aim of this research is to accomplish on-line surface inspection system for paper strips which is able to fill the supply of industrial manufacture.The research finally accomplishes primary design of on-line surface inspection system for paper strips. After several tests, the real-timeness and precision of the system has improved obviously, and can satisfy the demand of real production.At the end of the dissertation, amelioration and expectation for inspection system development based on DSP are mentioned.

【关键词】 纸页缺陷检测DSP纹理算法移植
【Key words】 paper lacunainspectionDSPtexturearithmetic transplant

